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ASC gives $850,700 to campus

ASC gives $850,700 to campus


To many SUNY Cortland students, the letters ASC bring to mind meal plans and the campus store.

But SUNY Cortland’s Auxiliary Services Corporation does a lot more to enhance student life and the university.

Last week, the non-profit company created solely to provide services to the campus, formally presented President Erik J. Bitterbaum with a check for $850,699 to help cover the cost of campus improvements, critical maintenance and important, long-term programs.

“ASC is always eager to support the mission of SUNY Cortland, especially when it comes to helping students,” said Renee Sydorowych, interim executive director of ASC. “We are proud to play a role in their educational experience.”

The money allows the creation of an ASC Campus Infrastructure Fund that will be maintained on the SUNY Cortland’s behalf by the Cortland College Foundation. All spending must be approved by Cortland’s vice president for finance and management and its president.

“This is yet another example of ASC’s commitment of support to our students and the College,” said Peter Perkins, vice president for institutional advancement. “ASC already provides $400,000 each year in student scholarship funding. This recent gift reaffirms the longstanding partnership between ASC and the Cortland College Foundation. We are very appreciative to ASC for all they do for the campus.”

The ASC funds gifted to the Foundation last week are an accumulation of earnings over many years, according to Anna Addonisio, vice president for finance and management.  

In addition to the new infrastructure fund and the scholarships, ASC provides grants totaling approximately $150,000 annually to SUNY Cortland academic departments and student groups, Addonisio said. The organization also financially supports select program assistance for the president and president’s cabinet.