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Women’s History Month Theme is ‘Weaving’

Women’s History Month Theme is ‘Weaving’


“Weaving the Stories of Women’s Lives” is the theme of this year’s Women's History Month series of events, continuing at SUNY Cortland through the end of March and into early April.

Presented by the College’s Women’s Studies Committee, the series illuminates its distinctively feminine focus by tying together talks, films, a trip to the Women’s Rights National Historical Park in Seneca Falls, a conference on diversity, a coffeehouse and herbal workshop and other programs.

“Wave movements are typically used to categorize the different generations of feminists in modern history,” said one organizer, Kathleen Lawrence, associate professor of communication studies.    

“Our committee chooses to focus on a newer, more inclusive perspective that suggests all women are part of weaves, instead of waves,” she said. “These weaves represent symbolic threads from different stories that, when pulled together, weave the rich, colorful, complex and diverse tapestry of women’s lives.”

Faculty and students primarily present the events. A complete listing of “Weaving the Stories of Women’s Lives” can be found on the college’s online calendar. The following are a few highlights:

Students take a prominent place in the presentations. One conference highlight is the “Show Me Your Brave” themed sixth annual Student Conference on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Social Justice on Saturday, March 28.

The conference, which begins at 8:30 a.m. in the Corey Union Function Room, is meant to inspire students to truly think about the meaning of bravery. The day features as the keynote speaker Lyndon Huling, SUNY Cortland’s former assistant director of multicultural life and diversity. For more information, contact Melissa Da Costa, Casey Tower residence hall director, at 607-753-5475.

On Tuesday, March 31, two students completing minors in women’s studies will share a documentary film they are currently taping with interviews of students around campus. Jocelyn Almodovar and Beesanne Kurzam will screen “What’s a Feminist and Why Would I Want to Be One?” from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. in Sperry Center, Room 304.

A trip to the Women’s Rights National Historical Park on Saturday, April 4, will begin at 8 a.m. when a bus headed for Seneca Falls departs promptly from the Corey Union front steps. To attend, RSVP by Monday, March 16, to Sally Dear-Healey, Women's Studies coordinator, by email with “Seneca Falls” in the subject line.

Women’s History Month is sponsored by the President’s Office, Women’s Studies Committee, Center for Gender and Intercultural Studies, Women of Color, Memorial Library, Committee on the Status and Education of Women, National Historic Women’s Rights Hall of Fame, Women’s Initiative Committee, Cortland (N.Y.) American Association of University Women, Cortland YWCA and Mark’s Pizzeria.

For more information on Women’s History Month, contact Dear-Healey at 607-753-4762.