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Stadium to shine beacon of support

Stadium to shine beacon of support


The SUNY Cortland Stadium Complex has been dark since the COVID-19 pandemic ended spring athletic competitions a month and a half ago.

That will change at 8 p.m. Friday, May 1, when the stadium lights blaze to life in a symbolic gesture of support for the thousands of students that have been finishing their semester away from campus.

The beacon will glow until 10 p.m. and will be shared with the SUNY Cortland community through photos and video posted on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.

“Our students are at the heart of SUNY Cortland and we want them to know that we miss them, support them in their efforts and can’t wait until they are back on campus again,” said Kevin Pristash ’85, M ’91, director of Corey Union and campus activities.

The idea was inspired by similar Friday night lights” events done around the nation to show support for athletes with cancelled seasons and students forced to learn outside of physical classrooms.