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President's message on spring planning

President's message on spring planning


​Dear students,

As you work hard to finish your final assignments, I want to let you know that many people on campus are working diligently to plan for the spring semester. As plans evolve, I will provide more details after they are confirmed.

For now, I can share some of the general topics that SUNY Cortland is working to address:

  • Mandatory COVID-19 testing procedures for student arrival
  • Plans for moving in to campus residence halls
  • Assistance for academic success and mental health
  • Dining options and residential dining facility lines during peak times
  • A reduction in select student fees
  • Activities, events and ways to connect with other students during the spring semester

There are other areas that will warrant attention and planning. Like you, I continue to learn from the challenges of the past year. And I remain impressed by the effort and resilience of our students, faculty and staff.

The spring semester’s arrival will not bring a return to normal that all of us would like to see, but hope is on the horizon. We must follow safety guidelines, prioritize the health of our neighbors and try our very best to work together for a common good. In the weeks and months ahead, please continue to take care of yourselves and your loved ones.

All the best,

Erik J. Bitterbaum 
