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Africana Studies Conference Seeks Proposals

Africana Studies Conference Seeks Proposals


Faculty members from SUNY Cortland’s Africana Studies Department are seeking papers, proposals and participation for a major statewide conference that the College will host this spring.

The 39th annual Conference of the New York Africana Studies Association (NYASA) will follow the theme “Praxis Africana: (Re)framing the Arts, Sciences, Culture and Community Engagement” and takes place Friday, April 4, and Saturday, April 5.

Sooner, however, organizers from the College are seeking abstracts — whether they’re for presentations, panel discussions or roundtables — by Tuesday, Dec. 10.

A wide-ranging list of possible themes and sub-themes is available in an online call for papers at

Students from all disciplines are encouraged to submit papers, posters and ideas for collaborative presentations, with discounted attendance rates, special recognition and select awards reserved for student work at the conference.

Teachers and prospective teachers looking to incorporate Africa in the classroom also are encouraged to attend. Special workshop sessions on “Teaching Africa” are planned.

Proposals should consist of an abstract of up to 200 words along with a project title, name of the presenter, his or her position, institutional affiliation and address. All submissions should be sent to Seth Asumah, a SUNY Distinguished Teaching Professor of Political Science and chair of the College’s Africana Studies Department, at

In addition to the Africana Studies Department, the College’s Center for Gender and Intercultural Studies will sponsor the conference.

Questions about the conference or suggestions can be directed to Asumah.

For more information, visit the NYASA website at