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Native Author Discusses Writing and Art

Native Author Discusses Writing and Art


A closer look at the Haudenosaunee culture will be offered when Native author and visual artist Eric Gansworth compares his cross disciplines in writing and art during his visit to SUNY Cortland on Thursday, Nov. 14.

The Haudenosaunee, also known as Iroquois, refer to the people of the Six Nations of Seneca, Cayuga, Onondaga, Oneida, Mohawk and Tuscarora.

Gansworth, a member of the Onondaga Nation, will present “The Visual in Literary Art” at 6 p.m. in Corey Union, Rooms 201-203. The accomplished author and artist is an English professor and Lowery Writer in Residence at Canisius College in Buffalo, N.Y.

Gansworth’s work is a commentary on the oral tradition existing within Haudenosaunee culture and its fluid nature. He uses iconography recognizable in the context of the mythic Haudenosaunee world, yet alters it to reflect issues relevant to a more contemporary Haudenosaunee existence.

Of special interest is that his work primarily is set in the western part of New York state, along the Niagara Frontier and the Tuscarora Reservation.

“Eric is an important guest to hear as he is so accomplished in both literary and visual work, and his characters are our neighbors,” English Department lecturer Linda Rosekrans said. “Here’s a great opportunity to learn diversity from those who are members of their communities, rather than leaving the topic solely to academic study.”

Gansworth is the author of 10 published books, including a new novel for young adults, along with a collection of short stories and poetry. His first play was selected for the Public Theater’s second annual Native Theater Festival, and his work has appeared in dozens of journals around the world.

His visual work has been featured in solo and shared exhibits across the continent. Many of his dramas have been performed on campuses and his books have been adapted for courses at colleges and universities worldwide.

Gansworth’s visit is made possible through the support of the Campus Artist and Lecture Series, Center for Gender and Intercultural Studies, English Department, Research and Sponsored Programs Office, President’s Office, Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs and the Dean of Arts and Sciences.

For more information, contact Rosekrans by email or by phone at 607-753-4307.