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College-Community Orchestra Plays Nov. 19

College-Community Orchestra Plays Nov. 19


“Different Perspectives” is the theme of SUNY Cortland’s College-Community Orchestra concert set for Tuesday, Nov. 19, at 19 Church St. in Cortland, N.Y.

Directed by Ubaldo Valli of the College’s Performing Arts Department and featuring guest organist Armand Discenna, the concert will begin at 8 p.m.

The performance is free and open to the public.

The program will focus on the works of Johann Sebastian Bach, Ludwig van Beethoven, Modest Mussorgsky, Emmanuel Chabrier and Louis Vierne, all known to listeners in multiple versions.

“The concert promises to be a joyous evening filled with classic material from some of the greatest composers in history,” Valli said. “Best of all, it is free of charge!”

The concert will end with an orchestra and organ performance of “The Great Gate of Kiev,” the final movement in a 10-movement suite titled “Pictures at an Exhibition” that is known as Mussorgsky’s most famous piano composition.

For more information, contact the Performing Arts Department at 607-753-2811.