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University launches Student Satisfaction Survey

University launches Student Satisfaction Survey


Since April 13, SUNY Cortland has invited undergraduate students to participate in the SUNY Student Satisfaction Survey (SSS) to understand how students perceive the quality of different programs and services at the university.

The survey, which will run through the end of May, is being administered online by SUNY.

The goal of the project is to determine how well SUNY campuses serve their undergraduate students.

The students to be contacted — undergraduates 18 years of age and older who are enrolled in at least one class during spring semester 2021 — are receiving email reminders from SUNY with instructions on how to participate in the survey.

The 2020-21 SSS was designed to be completed in about 20 minutes. Participation is encouraged but voluntary.

Students who complete to the survey will be entered into a raffle to win one of 40 ASC gift cards for $50 from Cortland Auxiliary.

“We ask that you encourage your students to take the time to complete the survey,” Stephen Cunningham, director of Institutional Research and Analysis (IRA) at SUNY Cortland, advised faculty and staff members.

The SSS is a modified version of the former Student Opinion Survey (SOS), which had been conducted at most SUNY colleges and universities since 1985. The last SOS was administered at SUNY Cortland in Spring 2018.

The university's IRA takes the results of the survey seriously. When available, the IRA Office will share 2021 results with the campus community. Past SOS results can be found on the IRA website.

The SSS is a cooperative effort between SUNY and the IRA Office, working together with other offices and individuals at SUNY Cortland.