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Non-Traditional Students Will Be Celebrated Nov. 13 to 17

Non-Traditional Students Will Be Celebrated Nov. 13 to 17


In celebration of SUNY Cortland’s non-traditional students, nominations are being accepted through Friday, Nov. 17, for the “Celebrate-a-Non-Trad” campaign. Sponsored by Advisement and Transition, the campaign is part of Non-Traditional Students Week, Nov. 13 through 17.

Nomination forms have been e-mailed to the campus community and are available electronically

For more information about Non-Traditional Students Week or to recognize an outstanding non-traditional student, contact Non-Traditional Student Support Coordinator Cheryl Hines or visit the website.

The purpose of the campaign is to recognize non-traditional students who often balance college with other commitments such as family, jobs and long commutes. SUNY Cortland will recognize nominated non-traditional students with a certificate and campus recognition.

Nominations should include the student’s name, contact information, relationship to the student and comments about the non-traditional student. Comments will be listed on the certificate, unless otherwise noted.

Special events will be held throughout the week in the Non-Traditional Student Lounge, Cornish Hall, Room 1221. They are free to non-traditional students and include:

Monday, Nov. 13: Non-Trads Rock! Salad Lunch Buffet and Rock Painting, 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

Tuesday, Nov. 14: Sandwich Wrap Lunch, 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

Wednesday, Nov. 15: Mid-Week Breakfast Break, 9 to 11 a.m.

Thursday, Nov. 16: Dessert Reception “STRESSED spelled backwards = DESSERTS,” 12:30 to 2 p.m.

Friday, Nov. 17: Coffee, Cocoa, Cookies and Conversation, 9 a.m.

Non-traditional students are invited to take part in the social media celebration by posting a photo using the hashtag #nontradsrock. A poster in the student lounge is open for comments to finish the phrase “You Know You're a Non-Trad When...”

 For more information, contact Hines at 607-753-4726.