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UPD Chin Hairs Raise Money for Cancer Awareness

UPD Chin Hairs Raise Money for Cancer Awareness


How serious are the officers of SUNY Cortland’s University Police about raising money and awareness to fight cancer? Last month, you could see the commitment in their faces.

Well, on their faces.

Several members of the College’s (UPD) participated in No-Shave November, a month-long journey during which participants put down their razors to help grow cancer awareness. UPD officers who chose to participate in the 30-day campaign pledged at least $25 to grow out their facial hair and also collected donations from friends, family and College faculty and staff.

Those who chose not to grow facial hair were still able to participate in No-Shave November. Staff members and officers could make a donation or a pledge to support cancer awareness by wearing pink or blue items on their uniforms.

The organizations benefiting from donations include St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Prevent Cancer Foundation and Fight Colorectal Cancer.

Frank Dalton UPDThe UPD nearly doubled its goal of collecting $1,000. Eleven members of the UPD staff combined to raise $1,800.

“This was our first year participating in No-Shave November and we are happy with the results,” said UPD Chief Mark DePaull. “We wanted to show that we are part of the community and wanted to give back in more ways than what we do every day.”

Officer Frank Dalton raised the most money, $685 in total. As the fundraising winner, DePaull will allow Dalton to keep his impressive beard until January 1, making him stand out among the typical, clean-shaven police officer.

“When we do something like this, people notice and ask questions, which spreads awareness and helps the cause,” Dalton said.

This was the first year UPD has tried to extend its outreach, but it certainly won’t be its last.

“We far exceeded our goal and because of the positive reactions, we plan on doing something bigger and better for next year,” said DePaull.

Not all UPD charity initiatives involve whiskers. This holiday season, the UPD has teamed up with the U.S Marine Corps Reserve for its annual, “Toys for Tots” campaign. A collection box is located in the lobby area of Whitaker Hall for SUNY Cortland students, faculty and staff to donate new and unwrapped toys for underprivileged children in the area. The collection will end on Monday, Dec.11 at 3 p.m.

For more information, contact DePaull at 607-753-2112. For questions regarding Toys for Tots, please contact Lt. Mary Murphy.

Prepared by Communications Office writing intern McKenzie Henry