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SUNY Cortland Students Roll Up Sleeves for Service

SUNY Cortland Students Roll Up Sleeves for Service


Don’t be surprised to see many SUNY Cortland students as well as community members rolling outdoor paintbrushes, carrying trash bags and plying rakes and garden tools to improve the Cortland community on Sunday, April 24.

Organizers of the second annual Big Event are calling for students, faculty and community members to donate their time and energy for service on Sunday, April 24, at SUNY Cortland.

Organizers of the second annual Big Event called for students, employees and community members to donate their time and energy for service. More than 500 volunteers answered the call. 

Sponsored by the Student Government Association (SGA) and its club Actively Involved in the Community (AIC), the Big Event seeks to give back to the community and help local organizations on the one-day volunteer project. Volunteers are asked to give four hours of their time that day.

Allison Garver, a senior exercise science major from Shortsville, N.Y., is directing this year’s Big Event. Last year, she worked alongside previous director Ashlee Prewitt ’14 as engagement executive for the event.

Garver is excited to build on last year’s success.

“It’s really about giving back to the community, and having the community see the college students in a more positive light,” Garver said.

The day of service is built on the concept of strength in numbers, to be held on the same day as the Cortland Downtown Partnership’s annual community clean-up. Last year, approximately 400 volunteers took part in the event. This year, volunteers will offer their services to more than 50 job sites.

Any individual person or local organization was able make a request for service. Organizers did not consider the socioeconomic need of individuals or groups who requested the service. Examples include local non-profit agencies, a group home for people with disabilities and an elderly couple in need of extra hands for a few hours.

The SGA funding that supports the Big Event will be used to purchase supplies and equipment. In the days leading up to the event, Garver encourages donations of tools such as shovels from outside sources to this year’s project.

Breakfast and t-shirts will be provided to volunteers, who are asked to provide their own transportation this year. Helpers without transportation access will be assigned projects within walking distance.

On the big day, check-in will begin and volunteers will be given their job service assignments at 8 a.m. in the Corey Union Function Room. A short kick-off ceremony will follow at 9 a.m.

Texas A&M University cultivated the concept of the Big Event more than 30 years ago. Although there’s no national organization or governing body for the Big Event, dozens of colleges and universities across the nation have followed through with similar days of service. 

“Hopefully this event will be bigger and better than last year,” Garver said. “I’m looking forward to the outcome.”

Stay current with the Big Event on Facebook and on Twitter @TBE_Cortland.

Prepared by public relations intern Bethany Lunden