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CROP Hunger Walk set for Oct. 27

CROP Hunger Walk set for Oct. 27


The CROP Hunger Walk, which has been a tradition in Cortland for 25 years, celebrates its 50th anniversary nationally.

The annual event will take place on Sunday, Oct. 27, starting at Grace and Holy Spirit Church on 13 Court St. Registration begins at 1 p.m. and the walk starts at 1:30 p.m. The walk will take place rain or shine.  

To register and donate, visit

SUNY Cortland’s athletic teams, fraternities and sororities, clubs and COR 101 students have made it a fundraising success. In 2018, 374 of the 421 walkers — 89% — were SUNY Cortland students. The students, coaches, faculty and staff who participated in last year’s walk raised more than $6,000 that went toward fighting hunger locally and around the world.

“The walkathon raises significant funds for global and local hunger,” said history lecturer and local CROP walk coordinator Jim Miller. “Twenty-five percent of the funds raised in the county are returned to the county to support local food pantries and feeding programs.”

This year’s goal is for each walker to raise $10 from each of 10 friends or relatives.

“The “10 x $10 = $100” is an example of how easy it would be for a participant to raise $100,” said Miller.

CROP Hunger Walks are sponsored by Church World Service and have been held all over the world since 1969. The walks raise approximately $20 million each year, with 25 percent of donations returned to local food pantries and feeding programs in host communities.

For more information, email Jim Miller.