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Cheryl Hines Recognized for Work with Non-Traditional Students

Cheryl Hines Recognized for Work with Non-Traditional Students


SUNY Cortland employee Cheryl Hines was recognized by the Alpha Sigma Lambda National Honor Society with the William C. Hine Distinguished Service Award for her work with non-traditional students.

An academic advisor and coordinator of non-traditional student support in Advisement and Transition, Hines has served as the SUNY Cortland chapter councilor for the honor society for five years. A 2005 SUNY Cortland graduate who is also a non-traditional student, Hines earned her degree in psychology.

“I enjoy working with Alpha Sigma Lambda in supporting our non-traditional students,” Hines said. “These students often balance college with other commitments like family, jobs and long commutes. They continue to amaze me in all that they juggle while making their education a priority.”

As a recipient of the award, Hines is invited to serve a one-year term on the national Alpha Sigma Lambda Board of Directors and attend the organization’s two meetings with all expenses covered.

Hines will attend the board meeting, held in conjunction with the Association for Continuing Higher Education (ACHE), from Tuesday, Oct. 11 to Thursday, Oct. 13 in Orlando, Fla. She will attend the ACHE conference that same week.

Hines also may attend the board meeting to be held March 28-30 in Portland, Ore.

In addition to the two trips, Hines receives:

• A $250 contribution to the William C. Hine Student Scholarship Fund in her name. 

• Ex-officio status on the ASL board for one year.

• A letter to SUNY Cortland President Erik J. Bitterbaum, and Director of Advisement and Transition Abby Thomas, her immediate supervisor, recognizing her achievement as the award recipient. 

“Cheryl is a resource and advocate for the non-traditional students at SUNY Cortland,” Thomas said. “This award is a well-deserved honor, recognizing the care and time Cheryl puts into helping non-traditional students succeed and reach their goals.”

Hines, a Cortland native and current resident of Marathon, N.Y., has worked at SUNY Cortland since 1998, first in the Registrar’s Office until 2006 and then in the Advisement and Transition Office.

She received associate’s degrees from Tompkins Cortland Community College (TC3) in liberal arts/social sciences in 1988 and in Information/Word Processing in 1990. She is currently enrolled in a community health graduate program.