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Relay For Life Raises $45,000 for Cancer Society

Relay For Life Raises $45,000 for Cancer Society


About 1,000 students, faculty and staff members raised more than $45,000 for the American Cancer Society in the sixth annual SUNY Cortland Relay For Life on Saturday, Dec. 4, at the College's Lusk Field House.

This year's relay attracted 76 teams who walked laps for 12 hours in the field house located off Pashley Drive.

“Relay For Life was such a huge success,” said event chair Alaina Repetto, a junior adolescence education: earth science major from Hopewell Junction, N.Y. “We met our goal of $35,000 the morning before the event and raised over $10,000 at the event, making our grand total more than $45,000. I’m so proud of my committee for all their hard work and dedication and the relayers for all their energy and heart at the event.”

Building on the work of the past five events, a 23-member student committee and campus advisor Nanette Pasquarello, Judicial Affairs Office, began planning the relay in September.

“This event is another reminder of how talented SUNY Cortland students are,” said Pasquarello. “The students from Colleges Against Cancer organized a very successful event that takes something as devastating as cancer and turns it into a life-affirming celebration to remember those who have lost the battle, support those undergoing treatment, and raise awareness. They are also demonstrating philanthropy on campus and in the broader community. I couldn't be prouder of a group of students.”

The relay featured a variety of entertainment, including a touching performance by Cortland Dance Company during the Luminaria Ceremony, a pep rally by student dance groups and a performance by the Rock and Blues Ensemble. On-site fundraisers included a pie-in-the-face toss aimed at a clown, face painting, wheelchair races, a scavenger hunt, Zumba group exercise, cookie decorating and Mario Kart competitions. Also, teams sold items, snacks and beverages.

Relays For Life are held on college campuses nationwide to raise money for cancer research, education and services. Donations may still be made to SUNY Cortland's Relay For Life until Wednesday, Aug. 31, through its website at or by mailing donations to the American Cancer Society, 13 Beech Street, Johnson City, N.Y. 13790, Attn: SUNY Cortland RFL.

For more information about the Relay For Life, contact Cathy Smith in the Health Promotion Office at (607) 753-2066.