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College Honors Longtime Classified Staff Members

College Honors Longtime Classified Staff Members


SUNY Cortland will formally honor five 30-year employees on Friday, Dec. 3, in the Corey Union Function Room during the 41st Annual Service Recognition Ceremony sponsored by the College’s Human Resources Office.

The employees, who are among 40 individuals to be recognized for their terms of service at the College, are Julie Crandall, Mike Partigianoni, Laurie Pepper, Denise Riley and Kevin Russell.

Julie Crandall started with SUNY Cortland in August 1980 as a stenographer in the Admissions Office. In August 1987, she was reclassified to a keyboard specialist I and, in August 1995, was promoted to a keyboard specialist II. In July 2000, she accepted a promotion to secretary I in the University Police Department. In October, she became the secretary I in the Kinesiology Department.

Mike Partigianoni joined SUNY Cortland as a cleaner in December 1980. In September 1986, he was promoted to a stores clerk I and transferred to the Equipment Room in the Physical Education Department. He was promoted to stores clerk II in September 1996 reporting to the Athletics Department and remains in that role today.

Laurie Pepper started at SUNY Cortland in September 1980 as a typist in the Career Planning and Placement Department, now known as the Career Services Office. She was promoted to stenographer in May 1983 and reclassified to keyboard specialist I in August 1987. Pepper transferred to the Registrar’s Office in that capacity in March 1997. In April 1998, she transferred to the Memorial Library and was promoted to library clerk II in March 2008.

Denise Riley held temporary positions, including stenographer and typist, at SUNY Cortland from July 1979 to May 1981, when she accepted a permanent stenographer position in the Educational Opportunity Program. In August 1986 she was promoted to a senior stenographer and transferred to the Athletics Department. In October 1989, she was promoted to secretary I. In August 1992 Riley transferred to her current position in the Economics Department.

Kevin Russell started his career at SUNY Cortland in December 1980 as a cleaner. He was promoted in December 1986 to janitor and in October 1991 to maintenance assistant. In 2001, he was promoted to his current position as general mechanic.

Julie Crandall Service Award 30
Mike Partigianoni Service Award 30
Laurie Pepper Service Award 30
Julie Crandall Mike Partigianoni Laurie Pepper
Denise Riley Service Award 30 Kevin Russell Service Award 30
Denise Riley Kevin Russell