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Crandall to Receive Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Classified Service

Crandall to Receive Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Classified Service


Lori Crandall, office manager for the Childhood/Early Childhood Education Department, who has been a highly respected College employee for 35 years, was honored with the Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Classified Service.

She was lauded by colleagues for her outstanding achievement, skill and commitment to quality in fulfilling and exceeding responsibilities that are well beyond the scope of her job description.

Crandall will receive the prestigious award during the 2019 Undergraduate Commencement ceremonies Saturday, May 18 in Park Center.

Not only does Crandall extend her support to faculty members in the Childhood/Early Childhood Education Department for correspondence, report writing, travel planning, ordering course materials, organizing meetings and proofreading documents, she is quick to assist those in other departments as well. She has also lent her expertise to new employees and has served as a mentor to countless individuals over her 35 years of service to the College.

“Students often say that Lori was kind and patient with them and faculty often say that they couldn’t have done it without her,” said one College employee. “I think that they are all right!”

Crandall has served on a number of committees to support the professional development of classified staff and in planning the Academic Affairs retreat. Her institutional knowledge also makes her a valuable resource for offices and departments that are seeking advice before starting new processes.

“Indeed, Lori willingly serves everyone on campus with a genuine grace that is uniquely her own,” said one of Crandall’s colleagues.

The Chancellor’s Award process begins at each of the 64 SUNY campuses with nominations submitted by the respective presidents. The SUNY Committee on Awards then reviews the nominations and makes its recommendations.

Crandall was recognized in 2010 with SUNY Cortland’s President’s Award for Excellence in Classified Service.

A native of East Homer, N.Y., Crandall attended Mohawk Valley Community College and started as a typist in the Physical Plant in 1983. She came to the Education Department in 1984 and began her position in Childhood/Early Childhood Education when the Education Department was reorganized in 2002.