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College Boosts CROP Hunger Walk Success

College Boosts CROP Hunger Walk Success


Donations still are trickling in from October’s annual CROP Hunger Walk, an event that saw more than 86 percent of its walkers come from SUNY Cortland.

The three-mile walk on Oct. 26 has raised $11,046 so far, with almost half of the donations coming from the College community, especially students associated with Greek organizations. SUNY Cortland’s contributions are up more than $700 from last year, and 23 more students walked this year than in 2013.

“This year we experienced increases in funds raised all around,” said Catherine Faughnan, this year’s CROP Walk intern for the History 429 Class. “This is an amazing accomplishment for the students and the community members, who were able to rally together and fight global hunger needs.

“Despite the dismal weather, some of the worst we’ve seen at a walk lately, a grand total of 314 walkers showed up to support the cause,” she said. “Even in the cold and rain they managed to trek out on a Saturday morning to support an important cause.”

Cortland-area food pantries and feeding programs will receive 25 percent of the funds raised by the event. The Church World Service sponsors more than 1,600 similar walks across the U.S. and has raised nearly $4 million for food banks and other similar programs across the country.

Several campus groups will receive plaque recognition for their contributions in 2014. They include the varsity women’s lacrosse team, Delta Phi Epsilon sorority, the Interfaith Crew and the COR 101 “Yes We Can” team.

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