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College Marks National Body Appreciation Week 2010 on Feb. 22-25


Nutrition therapist, author and speaker Evelyn Tribole will share her ideas on “Intuitive Eating” during Body Appreciation Week at SUNY Cortland. The commemorative week features events on campus from Monday, Feb. 22, through Thursday, Feb. 25.

The co-author with Elyse Resch of the bestselling book Intuitive Eating, Tribole will discuss “Intuitive Eating: How to Create a Healthy Relationship with Food, Mind and Body” at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 24, in the Corey Union Function Room. A reception and book signing will follow the event.

This and other Body Appreciation Week activities on the theme of “Changes in Attitudes” are free and open to the public. The talk is also part of the College’s Wellness Wednesday, a yearlong series of featured speakers, exhibits, self-help workshops and other programs intended to help students adjust to college life.

“This is an opportunity to raise awareness and provide education about eating disorders, disordered eating and related concerns,” said Senior Counselor Billie Jean Goff of SUNY Cortland’s Counseling and Student Development Center. “It is estimated that 10 million women and girls and 1 million men and boys are affected by eating disorders, which have the highest mortality rate of any psychiatric diagnosis.”

“Body Appreciation Week 2010 will mark the 12th consecutive year that SUNY Cortland has joined colleges and communities across the nation to observe National Eating Disorders Awareness Week,” Goff said.

Tribole, a registered dietician who operates a nutrition counseling practice in Newport Beach, Calif., asserts that her approach to intuitive eating teaches individuals how to create a healthy relationship with their food, mind and body, where they ultimately become the expert of their own body. She has received the American Dietetic Association’s Award for Excellence in Private Practice and served as a national spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association for six years.

During Body Appreciation Week, student art, displays, posters and information tables pertaining to eating disorders and body image will be on display in the Corey Union Exhibition Lounge from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m.

The student organization Women of Color will present “Bodies of Women of Color: A Discussion” at 7 p.m. on Monday, Feb. 22, in the Corey Union Exhibition Lounge.

A “Changes in Latitudes-Changes in Attitudes” coffeehouse will take place at 8:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 23, in the Corey Union Exhibition Lounge and Fireplace Lounge. This Tuesday Night Live fundraiser for Haitian Relief will feature “The 37 Project” as opening act followed by other campus performers and an open mic session.

Delta Phi Epsilon will host a candlelight vigil and speaker to remember all of those affected by eating disorders, including those who have died, to end the week at 7 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 25, in the Corey Union Exhibition Lounge.

During the week, faculty and staff will have an opportunity to take part in “Love Your Genes” by donating $1 each day to dress down and wear jeans, with all proceeds going to Haitian Relief.

Body Appreciation Week 2010 is sponsored by the Counseling Center and the Student Development Center, Auxiliary Services Corporation (ASC), the President’s Office, the Vice President for Student Affairs’ Office, Residence Life and Housing Office, the Campus Artist and Lecture Series (CALS), Athletics, Dining Services, Academic Support and Achievement (ASAP), the Health Promotion Office, Delta Phi Epsilon, Alpha Sigma Alpha, Campus Activities and Corey Union, the Residence Hall Association and Ames Linen.

For more information, contact Senior Counselor Billie Jean Goff of the Counseling Center and the Student Development Center at (607) 753-4728.