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Cortland Chapter of Delta Chi Wins National Organization’s Award of Excellence


For the second year in a row, the Cortland Chapter of the Delta Chi International fraternity received one of the national fraternity’s highest awards, the Award of Excellence.

The recognition is bestowed only on six chapters out of the more than 130 in the country, and has now twice been given to the Cortland Chapter, in 2007-08 and currently in 2008-09, according to national Delta Chi officials.

“This is a reflection of the chapter’s many attributes and their dedication to make a difference in the Cortland Community,” said Jeffrey Brink, president of the SUNY Cortland chapter and a senior history major from Monticello, N.Y. “The chapter prides itself on being hardworking, dedicated men who give yearly to their philanthropy, The V Foundation for Cancer Research, as well as taking part in various community service events.”

SUNY Cortland was honored in the “buff” category, reserved for chapters on campus with fewer than 15 fraternities or where Greek systems include less than 30 percent of the undergraduate student body, explained Daniel Catalano ’08, Delta Chi’s director of expansion.

During the award ceremony this past summer at Delta Chi International’s headquarters in Iowa City, Iowa, which was shared with members through YouTube, the SUNY Cortland chapter also was honored for Outstanding Alumni Newsletter, Outstanding Intramurals, Outstanding Recruitment, Outstanding Web site, Outstanding Alumni Board of Trustees, Outstanding House Corporation and Outstanding “BB” Award, the last award referring to a chapter’s exemplary alumni programming. Cortland Delta Chi brother Adam Fetterly ’07 was credited for the Outstanding “BB” Award.

In 2008, during the annual Delta Chi Convention from July 30-Aug. 3 in Las Vegas, Nev., the brothers from SUNY Cortland were acknowledged not only with the Award of Excellence, Buff Category, but in the areas of Outstanding Scholarship, Outstanding Alumni Newsletter, Outstanding Financial Management, Outstanding Recruitment, Outstanding Web Site, Outstanding House Corporation. The Cortland chapter was recognized with two alumni programming awards, the Marge Lee Outstanding “C” Award, with Andrew S. Trager ’08 receiving special credit; and the Outstanding “BB” Award, with Adam Fetterly ’07 noted for the chapter’s accomplishments. Trager and Fetterly were sport management majors while at Cortland.

“A lot goes into what we do as a fraternity and we pride ourselves on what we can do around the community and on campus,” Brink continued. “At the end of the day, the brothers of Delta Chi are satisfied with their accomplishments. To receive these top awards and high appraisals from the International Headquarters and fellow chapters is just an amazing feeling. We hope to make this a trend.”