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Margaret Waltman Receives Inaugural Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Classified Service

Margaret Waltman Receives Inaugural Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Classified Service


Margaret "Peg" Waltman, a keyboard specialist in the SUNY Cortland Registrar's Office, has been honored with the Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Classified Staff.

She received the prestigious award during the 2009 Undergraduate Commencement on Saturday, May 16, in the Park Center.

The award was newly created by SUNY this year and Waltman becomes the first SUNY Cortland recipient.

She is recognized for superior performance and extraordinary achievement in classified service. Nominees were considered based on their job performance in their present position, their flexibility and creativity on campus, and their demonstration of exemplary customer service. The award demonstrates SUNY's acknowledgement of individuals who provide superior service to its students and the community at large.

The Chancellor's Award process begins at each of the 64 SUNY campuses with nominations submitted by the respective presidents. The SUNY Committee on Awards then reviews the nominations and makes its recommendations.

"It is quite an honor to be one of the first recipients of the Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Classified Service, especially in representing SUNY Cortland in the inaugural year of the award," said Waltman. "It has been so rewarding over the years to see the successful degree accomplishments of our many students, and knowing that I may have played a small part in their success in earning their degree. Additionally, having the opportunity to work with the dedicated faculty and staff has been a sincere pleasure."

Waltman has served SUNY Cortland for 21 years as the undergraduate degree clerk. In 2007, she was pivotal in the success of Cortland's new General Education Program. Waltman also spearheaded the development and execution of TEACH, an online process Cortland students use to apply for teacher certification to the New York State Education Department (NYSED).

"As her supervisor, I have greatly enjoyed my working relationship with Peg," wrote Registrar Donna Margine, who joined the College in 1995. "She is the consummate professional, working in a position that involves every Cortland student, faculty, advisor and administrator. She has a genuine concern for the academic success of our students. She has taken great pride in enhancing Cortland's academic reputation when you consider the commitment she has made over the years, and the significant changes she has endured as a result of emerging technologies."

In 1999, Waltman participated in the strategic planning for the College's conversion to the Banner Student Records System. She was an instrumental participant in the development and implementation of the Curriculum Advising and Program Planning (CAPP) Banner's degree audit and assisted in the planning for online registration. Waltman was a key architect for developing online CAPP accessibility. She also was a major player in the employment of the online degree and the diploma and commencement application.

"Peg has taken pride in executing her responsibilities," added Margine. "Her command of curriculum and the breadth and depth of knowledge she has for degree and program requirements is beyond the scope of many across campus. "I have witnessed her genuine interest in the curricular process as it relates to college policy and external SUNY and NYSED mandates."

A native of Williamsport, Pa., Waltman and her husband, Franklin Waltman, SUNY Cortland professor emeritus of Spanish who received the Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Teaching in 1974, live in Cortland.