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An update on Middle States accreditation

An update on Middle States accreditation


Dear faculty and staff,

I want to let you know that the Middle States Commission on Higher Education reaffirmed SUNY Cortland’s accreditation status earlier this week

This is great news. Accreditation is essential as it is required to receive federal financial aid, allow credits to transfer and is a degree requirement for some jobs and graduate schools. It is also an important process for evaluating the university’s effectiveness and developing strategies to continue fulfilling its mission and delivering its most critical goals. I can report that the Middle States team was pleased with SUNY Cortland’s current commitment to students as well as its strategic plan for the coming years.

Please join me in congratulating and thanking the many faculty and staff who worked on the university’s 2022 self-study, including co-chairs Lynn MacDonald and Carol Van Der Karr. I would also like to recognize the many employees who served on the steering committee and working groups. Your time and effort is appreciated.

Middle States will conduct a mid-point peer review in 2026 and the university’s next self-study evaluation will take place in 2029-2030.

More information on accreditation, including a copy of SUNY Cortland’s 2022 self-study report, is available online.



All the best,


Erik J. Bitterbaum
