March 28, 2006

I. CALL TO ORDER: The 11th meeting of the Faculty Senate for 2005-2006 was called to order at 1:15 PM on March 28, 2006 in the PER Park Center Hall of Fame Room by Chair Joseph Rayle.

SENATORS AND MEMBERS PRESENT: J. Rayle, M. King, S. Rayl, D. Driscoll,

D. Berger, R. Spitzer, D. West, K. Alwes, J. Governali, J. Hendrick, D. Sidebottom,

J. Sitterly, V. Marty, B. Tobin, D. Ritchie, S. VanEtten, J. Governali, T. Phillips,

P. Schroeder, N. Tirado, J. Clark, S. Brown, E. Bitterbaum, E. Davis-Russell, R. Franco, W. Shaut, J. Cottone, G. Clarke, D. Kreh, P. Buckenmeyer

SENATORS AND MEMBERS ABSENT: C. DeGouff, P. Quaglio, G. Zarate,

L. Anderson, J. Casciani, K. Rombach, S. Stratton, B. Griffen

GUESTS PRESENT: G. Levine, P. Koryzno, R. Olsson, M. Prus, E. Caffarella,

Y. Murnane, D. Barclay, S. Coonrad


There were no Senate actions taken.


Chairman Rayle welcomed everyone to the Faculty Senate. He asked for approval of the Minutes from January 31, February 1 and February 28, which were approved.

D. Kreh commented on the call for nominations for Senate offices that went out from Committee on Committee�s chairperson J. Barry. He explained that it is always nice to have names on the ballot instead of blank lines, which usually result in vacancies with no majority and run-offs, expending a lot of time and energy trying to fill a position that nobody is interested in, in the first place. He urged Senators to get people nominated, especially for offices that are on that list.

Rayle quoted John F. Kennedy in his famous words, "Ask not what the Faculty Senate can do for you�ask what you can do for the Faculty Senate." He encouraged people to run for vacancies.


No report.


No report.


No report.


President Bitterbaum reported on the budget information that the Governor is pushing for regarding no tuition increase. He said TAP would be paid for along with a variety of other things and his office is very pleased with the outcome. He said it appears that at this point SUNY has achieved 85% of what they have asked for, which, he indicated constitutes a really good budget year. He also said it appears those involved in the budget are off by a billion dollars so there may still be cutting yet to come, but he is very excited.

As for energy dollars Bitterbaum expressed that those responsible for the budget don�t know what those dollars will be yet but they have looked at all the other SUNY�s and there will be deficiency dollars and a funding base that will be very helpful.

On the capital plan, the President reported that the campus has ten million dollars still there and he said, "I hope it stays there." They will shortly be in the process of renovating Bowers which he is also pleased about.

Bitterbaum said, "We were approached about six months ago by the system, because of our expertise in Physical Education, about the idea of a sports youth institute. He reported that it appears the proposal is still in the Assembly and Senate for 750 thousand dollars as a one time only allocation. The President reported that the rationale for it is, when you look at high school and junior high school sports, where there are only about 500 participants, if you look at America at large including Little League and things that kids participate in, that includes over 22 million children. He further explained that there are coaches that know nothing about injury prevention, and knowing that some parents are mean spirited and incidents of violence occur, there is a lot of work that needs to be done in that area. This project would include our faculty and also bringing in individuals who have expertise to develop facilities, strategies and modules to develop this youth institute. He ended by saying, "If all goes well, it will survive the budget, which we think it will, and we are excited that they have chosen SUNY Cortland. There is a potential for Psychology and a variety of other different areas."

President Bitterbaum indicated the campus would know more about the budget picture the first week of April since now it is only a broad based picture.

Bitterbaum also reported that our Main Street project is going well and there will be a definite target date to open in June. They also made a decision to allocate funding to include building two Smart Classrooms, which are being built right now, instead of having to come in later to build them which would be more expensive

The President mentioned DSI ,which Elizabeth Davis-Russell helped chair. He reminded everyone that last year he made an invitation to the full faculty and staff for feedback and a number came forward to participate. He said those involved worked very hard and based on the information provided, the administration probably won�t be making changes right away because it still needs a lot more feedback. DSI of faculty will be the same as in the past, he explained. He also indicated Dr. Franco has been working very hard on Professional DSI. President Bitterbaum indicated they will have a document ready by next week or shortly thereafter and then it will go out to all professionals asking for comments. If everyone agrees that it is a fine document, the President indicated, the group will move forward, and if there has to be more debate they will use the past methodology as well. Bitterbaum said, "We do have two documents for you to look at and comment on."

President Bitterbaum also announced that the campus will have Fullbright Scholar Dr. Gauss arriving on Monday from Malaysia. He reported that Gauss is a Professor from the Theater who will be participating in appropriate classes such as Performing Arts, History, Sociology and Political Sciences, to name a few. He will also guest lecture as appropriate and felt the campus would enjoy Dr. Gauss very much.

He said, referring to online catalogs, that hard copies will be printed for colleagues who would like to have them so that if one is working with students and going back and forth between hard copy and online, an individual will be able to move back and forth very easily. He explained that the newer generation coming to college is more likely to go to the Web and find the pages they need. He said that they would provide hard copies of graduate and undergraduate catalogs which won�t be elegant, explaining this is a way to save thousands of dollars for use elsewhere in the college. Bitterbaum thanked the campus for their feedback on that.

K. Alwes asked, "On the no tuition increase, can we say that is because of student faculty and staff activism?"

Bitterbaum expressed agreement and explained that the fact that since it is an election year probably contributed since raising tuition it is not a popular thing to do with your electorate. He felt the state did not want to raise tuition and he felt activism also played a very important role.

D. Berger said, "With regards to DSI, I acknowledge, if I am not mistaken in the past that the Faculty Senate has had taken some action on those kinds of things. Do you expect to send the proposal to the Faculty Senate?"

Bitterbaum responded, "The way Elizabeth Davis-Russell was trying to transmit it to everybody, it is supposed to go to the deans, chairs and to faculty in the individual departments. Have you not seen it?"

D. Berger replied, "I�ve seen it."

Bitterbaum said, "You can share with your chair your concerns. To give you an example, a whole department, through their chair, sent information. It could be discussed in the Senate to share your thoughts. There will be a variety of venues."

Chairman Rayle added, "If anybody has a resolution about an issue like that, bring it to us and we will vote on it. We can use this body to do that. We talk in our department and the discussion has gone on like you said, down through the department chairs."

Bitterbaum added, "We�re not going to rush into anything. The logic, in my first two years here, I heard a lot of complaints about DSI process and I thought, �why don�t we invite two different groups to look at it?� Maybe before the expectation was we all do good work and that is the expectation for those who go beyond exception for merit. I will share with you right now what I have received is we are still waiting to receive more information. People like the old methodology for a variety of reasons. We will let the debate go forth and discussion. I need your insights."

K. Alwes asked, "You are the person we should respond to?"

Bitterbaum replied, "Well, I think if you can do it for all of your colleagues instead of 35 memos, it may be 35 pages long. I would carbon copy Elizabeth on it, too. She helped chair. And of course for the professionals it would be Ray."

M. King said, "On the topic of the online catalog, would it be possible for someone on campus to develop a search engine, since we�re going to actually be using this thing? What�s up there now is simply an Adobe document. Unless it has changed recently an Adobe document is easier to use on paper than it is online."

Chairman Rayle added, "It�s a bear."

Bitterbaum responded, "Funny you should mention this, at our last meeting, and I will turn to Ginny who is co-chairing a group of colleagues from a variety of areas including P. Warken and Tracy Rammachers� area. There are some concerns�"

G. Levine said, "That is under consideration right now. What the Publications group is doing right now is involving software companies and looking for a software program that will allow the capability to produce, in hard copy and online format at the same time something that interfaces with Banner. So it is under study at this point in time. Right now we�ll have PDF until they are able to complete that."

Bitterbaum replied, "That is an onerous process."


Long Range Planning Committee � D. Ritchie announced that his committee is meeting on Wednesday to continue to review the strategic plan.

Educational Policy CommitteeSEE New Business

Student Affairs Committee � P. Buckenmeyer reported that his committee had 17 applicants for the Faculty Senate Memorial Scholarship and they are in the process of selected one student for the award which will be announced at the next Faculty Senate meeting.

Faculty Affairs CommitteeSEE Area Senator�s Reports.

College Research Committee � No report.

General Education Committee � D. Barclay reported that the GE restructuring proposal went out to departments and individuals on campus for review and responses are due back by that Friday. He also announced that the committee would be meeting on Monday to consider all of that input and they may or may not change items in the proposal at that point based on the feedback. It should then go to the Senate in 2-3 weeks to introduce it in the final round of discussions and will probably be voted on after that time.


T. Phillips said, "I would just like to let everyone know I am attending the Faculty Senate meeting next weekend in Plattsburg and if you have any concerns please get them to me and I would be happy to share them."

Chairman Rayle said, "This is a good arena and you�ve got the administration and the whole university there where you can tell what is happening. It is a great forum. A lot of times things we bring up the other campuses bring up as well.


Committee on Committees � No report.


There was no old business.


J. Cottone indicated that the EPC Committee has been working on a couple of policy changes, one dealing with students and transfer credits and the other one dealing with English Composition and the removal of the NC designation. Cottone gave some background information starting with transfer policy. He explained that last fall the transfer policy proposal was submitted to Marc Yacavone where they are proposing at the discretion of the Associate Deans a policy that may allow a student to transfer in grades designated "p" for pass and "s" for satisfactory. He said in the past this was done, but not on a widely advertised level. The transfer advisory group feels that this would be much fairer for students in regards to transfer credits, keeping in mind this is transfer credits at the point of entry, so when students face admittance to SUNY Cortland, this designation will be deemed then. All continuing students could attend, Cottone stated, Let�s say later on in the summer session. I will remind you that on the small contract that the student fills out in summer called "permission to transfer," it clearly states on there no course with anything less than "c" minus or less is transferable. This has to be reviewed again by the advisor and Associate Dean. We feel since that�s already in place. I did speak to at least one Associate Dean and found the chance of that happening are extremely remote, and although it possibly could happen it probably would not happen. I think under those circumstances the EPC did support this proposal would be changed in the college catalog which would give the Associate Deans the opportunity to make any on four decisions regarding the transfer credit."

Chairman Rayle said, "This is out for informational purposes and we will act on it at the next meeting."

D. Berger said, "I am sorry but I don�t understand. Those two seem to be in conflict with each other. In the past it was pass or satisfactory versus requiring a "c" minus or better?"

Chairman Rayle asked, "Which proposal are you speaking to?"

D. Berger said, I am speaking to the transfer credit policy. What�s the reason for this? When would somebody get a �p�?"

J. Cottone responded, "In some institutions the only grade given in some courses is �p� or �s,�. It is not given as a standard letter grade. In some places, I am certain SUNY schools in Composition the student only earns a �p� or �s.� So right now they are being penalized if they are not being transferred in. In this case we are saying the Associate Dean�s would then make a determination and decide if, regarding a course with either a �p� or �s,� the student would be granted a credit. They make decision."

D. Berger asked, "Would a �p� be below a �c� minus?"

J. Cottone said, "I raised that to Admissions and to transfer, the answer is no. Assuming that everything �p� or �s� is considered passing with �c� minus or better."

Chairman Rayle asked, as a point of clarification, "You just get hours and it doesn�t

matter if you took a class somewhere elsewhere when you transfer in? Is that correct, it is regardless of the grade?"

Cottone responded, "Yes."

President Bitterbaum mentioned some experimental colleges such as Goddard College and the University of California at Santa Cruz where the grade is either pass or no pass.

D. Berger asked, "Is there a grade in this system? You have �p�, �s�, and �s��and is �f� not acceptable and the others are?"

Cottone responded in the affirmative.

D. Berger asked, "They are not consecutive then? They are synonymous?"

J. Cottone said, "I have invited Marc Yacavone and the three Associate Deans dealing with this to explain how they will handle the mechanics of this on a student by student basis."

An unknown individual said, "Would one of the reasons for declining to accept a �p� or �s� would be the availability of a real grade course?"

J. Cottone replied, "I would say that Sounds correct. That�s up to the discretion of the Associate Dean who would know that.

R. Olsson asked, "Would there be criteria that the Associate Dean would use to make the determination as to whether they are going to allow this or not?"

Cottone responded, "They will allow it on a per case basis. Just speaking with one Associate Dean it will be done on a per course basis. I think they left it open on purpose because we raised that, if there would be some set of criteria and the answer was no. They wanted to leave it more open ended to give the Associate Deans the discretion to make one of four choices."

Cottone then introduced the other proposal involving English Composition. He explained that the proposal came up last semester involving some issues regarding the Writing Committee. There were a series of meetings between the Writing Committee, the Dean�s Office and the English Department. Mary Kennedy attended the meetings and one of the offshoots of the meeting was a proposal brought about to remove the �nc� rating option from Composition 100/102 and 101/103. Historically, it was very difficult to find many people who remember how this came about. We do find it goes back to 1974. This was the catalog where this was first noted, so we assume the policy did go back that far. Through discussions and working with EPC and the Writing Committee, we talked briefly with Karla (Alwes) from the English Department, and put together a variety of different things explaining why we felt removal of "nc" was justified� and we submitted this to the Writing Committee. At one of their last meetings in December we did go and discuss with Karla about removal of the "nc" designation which would solve some of these problems, if this was passed. I did submit this to the Writing Committee. And there would be in the English Department a set of recommendations regarding issues in the catalog and a little more clarity about English Comp as a as prerequisite for Writing Intensive. So if this does pass it is only a recommendation which would need to go through the Faculty Senate for vote."

D. Berger said, "I totally don�t understand this one either. The grade given for composition, is it a letter: A, B C or D?"

K. Alwes responded, "NC replaces the D."

D. Berger said, "So it�s A, B, C and NC?�So you don�t receive the "nc" for dropping out of the course?"

J. Cottone explained, "The student may do fairly well in the class. There was some issue

that arose that the instructor has the option of giving the "nc" no credit rating which means they technically did not pass the course and they have to retake it. The "nc" designation does not show up on a grade point average as having failed. So, if you read the rationale, it does have consequences in other areas around campus. So, what we�re proposing is we go back to the standard letter grade across the board with the notion that student receiving less than "c" minus and has to still retake the class. That is the policy the Writing Committee has set. We are not toying with the letter grade we are saying removing the "nc," which clarifies some of the confusion that exists."

D. Berger asked, "The student who earns an "nc" or equivalent, what would that student now get?"

K. Alwes responded, "A "d."

An unknown individual replied, "NC."

D. Berger said, "They would have to take the course again� would that have financial repercussions for financial aid?"

Cottone replied, "It does because it goes retroactive, because "nc" as it says here in item A, when students receive an "nc" grade, the Financial Advisement Office has to retroactively change number of credit hours the student has earned. The student who is taking 12 credits and gets an "nc", it goes retroactively back to 9 and now they have to give back financial aid."

D. Berger asked, "So, do they change that to a "d?"

J. Cottone replied, "Even according to Financial Aid an "e" says you took the course but didn�t pass but an "nc" is like saying it never happened."

D. Berger said, "I am in favor of making this kind of academic policy based on academics, not on the basis of financial aid. This does do exactly that, makes student take the course over but not lose financial aid as a result. That sounds reasonable."

R. Spitzer asked, "Is it true English Composition is the only course that has this particular grading system?"

Both Alwes and Cottone responded, "As far as I know."

J. Cottone added, "Has anybody used that? I think the answer is no."

An unknown individual asked, "Is there a point where "nc" turns into an "e"?"

J. Cottone said, "I Don�t think so. What happens, I was told as we explore this, one thing that may be in favor of the student, the GPA, as far as I know, the "nc" stays in the record forever."

J. Governali asked, "This proposal, is it going to be treated like any other course except the passing grade is going to be "c" minus or above? No more "nc�s"

J. Cottone responded, "Yes."

G. Levine said, "I am wondering how this is going to be reflected on Banner CAP? Is it going to indicate if they don�t get a "c" minus or better, if they get a "d"?

K. Alwes said, "There are other courses you have to have in the major. So, it would say not met."

G. Levine stated, "I am concerned about advisement."

J. Cottone said, "If it does get passed, one of the other things the recommendation was to review how this was going to be monitored and tracked?"

S. VanEtten said, "I was just wondering that will favor quality points for overall GPA. What happens when they retake it?"

J. Cottone said, "Less than a "c" minus, then they would fill out a permission to retake course form then pass it. By doing better the second time that�s the grade factored in GPA."

President Bitterbaum stated, "My understanding you never remove something from a transcript, once something goes on transcript, usually do put a bar through grade put new grade factor old grade."

J. Cottone said, "As a side note, one of these things would be a tracking system so that right now the student registers for second session Composition. Then I know we probably all have advisees who are waiting till their junior or maybe senior year to go back and take Comp 100. So we�re hoping to correct that as well. If this passes you�ve got some other recommendation to work with to make sure student takes Comp when they�re supposed to especially before they get into writing intensive courses."

D. Berger asked, "How does your Number 3 factor into this?"

J. Cottone said, "It�s just like any other course. If a student is doing an "e" in Comp 101, now they have the option to withdraw without penalty. When this policy came out for the longest time they could not do that."

D. Berger asked, "If they do withdraw, that does affect how many credits they are taking and financial aid?"

J. Cottone said, " I would like to note that nobody would advise a student who did that knowing financial aid is going to be affected."

Olsson said, "Or they can take another course in another 8 weeks, some of them do that."

K. Alwes stated, "I am not surprised this started in 1974. "NC" is a grade that says �we know you tried,� and that�s pretty much where we were in 70�s in education�effort. The student shows effort but still couldn�t write worth a lick."

J. Cottone said, "I think one of the adjustments is if the student worked hard and had not been able to attain a "c" minus the student sees the grade of "nc. Over the years when you ask a student why you he got an "nc" the student says, �I thought I was doing pretty good,� hopefully this will just clarify it. It won�t solve all the problems but still�"

D. Berger said, "Is it fair to sum it up by saying if we adopt a change this brings us more in line with other courses, except now the stipulation for this course is you can�t pass with a "d" you will still have to take the course again?"

J. Cottone replied, "Looking at student�s who pass with "d" minus, they are still passing. The whole notion of a "c" minus is a good benchmark. That�s why we didn�t toy with that we left it alone."

J. Clark asked, "Did you say if you got a "d" the credit could be transferred in after?"

J. Sitterly responded, "I guess from what I�ve heard of students who have been under the assumption that COMP 100 students could be passing but not pass their portfolio, that�s what gives them the "NC." How are we going to change it? Is the portfolio going to be graded and averaged into their grade or are we going to be eliminating that?"

K. Alwes responded, "We are not eliminating the portfolio, it will just become the grade rather than the "nc." I know, Joan, I get students in my office frequently as well about the portfolio, but I don�t think it�s going to have any real change as far as the outcome. I expect that it won�t be "nc."

J. Sitterly: replied, "Well with it, if they pass the class�?

K. Alwes stated, "You have to pass the portfolio to pass the class."

Sitterly responded, "It�s an automatic "e" if you don�t pass portfolio, just an automatic "e."

K. Alwes said, "It won�t be an automatic "e." Students get "nc�s" now. I don�t think it would be an automatic "e" it never has been. It could be the "nc."

Elizabeth Davis-Russell stated, "This is not a question but a comment that one of the items that the Mary Kennedy and writing faculty are working on is to get this through the curriculum process. There would be an added section like a lab section that would aid those students so that in addition to regular class the students would have to attend a lab that would help them develop writing skills. It is making its way through the curriculum process."

J. Cottone said, "Actually that did come up at our meeting about having ways to assist. We assist students with just like we have other tutorial courses, writing just like we have other how to really strengthen this area."

J. Hokanson said, "I worry about students having academic difficulty. My students though they had done well in a course, based on feedback from their instructor, when they fail they do not have the opportunity and don�t know they are failing until grades are in.. The question is, if the instructor is assigning a "b" what is the committee going to assign? Then what will that grade be? That�s going to affect whether students would want to withdraw. What would the grade be?"

K. Alwes said, "It has happened before."

J. Hokanason said, "They won�t be able to get feedback from instructor because the instructor is the one who is doing the final evaluation and they needed feedback."

J. Cottone said, "That was one of the reasons we did talk about it. Recommendations that EPC discussed before me as a recommendation to deal with that and trying to get a better level of the consensus of the Writing Program that did come up. That�s really instructor specific. We felt we couldn�t do too much about that."

R. Franco asked, "Do you have any idea how many "nc�s" in a semester are given out?"

J. Cottone replied, "This did come up�but don�t quote me."

K. Alwes said, "Our dean knows."

M. Prus stated, "The number of students who get below a "c" minus in a given semester might be between 8 and 14%. On average about ten percent of students who end up getting below a "c" minus is about 200. With an entering class of 1100 to 1200 freshmen, 100-120 will not receive credit in the Fall semester for Comp 100."

K. Alwes asked, "You are talking about "nc" only?"

F. Franco asked, "Did you do any analysis to determine under the new policy would a student be academically dismissed because of a 1.0 GPA figured in, as opposed to �no harm, no fault?�"

J. Cottone responded, "We brought it up but did not do any analysis. Then we got some of the comments and brought them up�.There are courses where students do actually worse than English Composition. Those course are not being looked at. We basically talked about it but kind of stayed away from that discussion."

D. Berger said, "Speaking in favor of the spirit of the thing, it may be obvious to everyone else but I want to say this really is important for a number of reasons. We have writing intensive courses in Psychology, two of them, and this effects that so we really are pushing good writing."

J. Cottone said, "One of the recommendations we would make is the whole notion of the Composition course as a real true hard prerequisite to writing. There are some places in the catalog that that will force people to finish Composition in a timely manner. That was one of the concerns brought up in Joint Chair�s Council by Mary. They are a low percentage of students who go through Writing Intensives and later on finish Composition. We are hoping that maybe we will be able to assist students to finish up Composition before their junior year, as anticipated."

M. King said, "It should be possible to block the registration of Writing Intensive for any student who has not finished their Composition sequence?"

J. Cottone responded, "In 101 right now you can register. If I go in and fail 101 I am still in Writing Intensive. Through Donna�s office there is a way to track at the beginning of each semester to let instructors know the tracking system, as such, this will also help with that little problem."


R. Spitzer announced The Micado which would be performed that week and the following one where he would play the lead role.

G. Clarke mentioned items as an outcome from the Steering Committee meeting. He said his understanding was that the Senate was supposed to review the structure of certain committees including the Faculty Affairs Committee, which he chairs, to reflect the new School of Education. He said there was supposed to be an appointment of a temporary member on the committee on an ad hoc basis. Clarke asked for a status report from the chair?

King reminded the chair that the plan was to find someone to sit on that committee to remedy the situation temporarily.

Rayle apologized for the oversight and said he needed to talk to the person who was formerly on the committee, since the Steering Committee can act on behalf of the Senate, to put that individual back on procedurally.

M. King said, "One of the members of that committee changed schools, so we put two people from Professional Studies and nobody from Education. It�s the same person but in a different school. Our thought was to reappoint the person who had been from Education and was bumped off, put her on for the rest of the year.

Rayle added, "It is a temporary fix. We will straighten things out when we come to the review of governance and put the committees in line with the bylaws next year. Mel, you have good things to look forward to."

Clarke mentioned another issue, that at the last Steering Committee meeting the Faculty Affairs Committee did receive a memo from the Dean of Professional Studies on behalf of the management, and through that there was discussion. There will be a memo with some urgency attached to it. He said there was a consensus that the faculty need to look at this. Clarke explained that the Faculty Affairs Committee is extremely busy still working on the November 1 charge, so he said it is becoming problematic for this committee to do anything without further advice.

The Provost responded, "The committee should withdraw that. It is no longer on the agenda. Roy Olsson and I will discuss it�at this time consider it null and void."

Rayle said to the Clarke, "It is no longer your problem."

Clarke asked that it be removed from Old Business. He also inquired as to how many more meetings were left of the Faculty Senate?

Rayle responded that there were 3.

Clarke indicated his committee was having trouble meeting the deadline of their charge.

Chairman Rayle told Clarke to give the Steering Committee a status report.

Rayle also indicated he wanted to put the two EPC proposals on the Faculty Senate Website and asked those individuals responsible to work with him on that.

The chair also encouraged Senators to run for an officer position on the Steering Committee. He said, "It is an exhilarating time had by all, I promise if you eventually step forward.


S. Brown reported that the 21st annual SGA Leadership Banquet will be held April 26 and encouraged anyone to nominate staff members, students or clubs they felt were deserving recognition to see him. He said he had I guidelines, criteria announcing that the deadline for sending information to SGA is Friday. He also mentioned that Student Senate met the previous night regarding the hours of operation for ASC next year and general consensus was that with New Hilltop Café, students would not like to see it open later if means shutting down Corey Union earlier in the day. Brown next reported on two groups. The first, Cortland Chiropractic, is for students who feel they would like to enter the chiropractic profession. Otaco, Otaco is another club that focuses on Japanese animation. Sara Coonrad, Project Coordinator for NYPIRG then took the floor.

Coonrad introduced herself and showed a news release explaining her purpose that she wanted to explain student�s and NYPIRG�s reaction to the "really great budget proposal." She explained that includes holds on tuition, increasing the opportunity for program funding by 10%, increasing full time faculty at CUNY and SUNY�s, increasing funding for independent colleges, increased funding from one to seventy-five dollars per full time student, expansion of the TAP program to allow students to adjust their TAP awards such as when a parent loses a job, becomes disabled or is called up to serve in active duty, a student can change their TAP award to get more money. She said, "We wanted to thank you guys for your lobbying and we feel pretty confident our lobbying did make a difference."

The meeting was adjourned at 2:15 PM

Respectively Submitted,

Barbara Kissel

Staff Assistant/

Recording Secretary

The following reports are appended to the Minutes in the order reported and submitted by Senators and other members.

(1) NEWS RELIEASE from NYPRIG submitted by S. Coonrad, NYPIRG

(2) EPC Committee proposal regarding Revision to Transfer Credit Evaluation submitted by J. Cottone.

(3) EPC Committee proposal regarding Revision to English Composition Requirement submitted by J. Cottone.

