April 6, 2004
ORDER: The 12th meeting of the Faculty Senate for 2003-2004
was called to order at 1:15 PM on April 6, 2004 in the Hall of Fame Room, PER
Center, by Chair Jeffrey Walkuski.
Jackson, P. Buckenmeyer, B. Mattingly, P. Walsh, K. Alwes, J. Cottone, J.
Hokanson, L. Anderson, M. Friga, J. Rayle, M. Chandler, K. Pristash, A.
Johnson, A. Young, T. Phillips, M. Barone, D. Walker, D. Stevens, E.
Bitterbaum, E. Davis-Russell, R. Franco, W. Shaut, E. McCabe, L. Anderson, T.
Fay, C. Poole, M. Ali
Peluso, S. VanEtten, P. Schroeder, C. Plunkett
GUESTS PRESENT: J. Mosser, P. Koryzno, C. Malone, M.
Prus, E. Caffarella, R. Sipher, C. Little, D. Berger
There was a vote to approve the proposal to change the
procedures for consultative committees (Passed)
There was a vote for the Senate to participate in the search
for Associate Vice President of Finance and Management. (Passed)���������������
There was a vote to suspend the rules of the Senate to
conduct an open meeting brought forth by the proposal from Philip Walsh
concerning Faculty Senate by-laws and term limits. (Passed)
There was a motion to approve the proposal made by P. Walsh
to abolish term limits for Faculty Senator (Passed; Voice Vote/Approved:
B. Jackson, B. Mattingly, P. Walsh, K. Alwes, J. Cottone, J. Hokanson, L.
Anderson, M. Prus, K. Pristash, A. Johnson) Not approved: M. A. Chandler;
Abstained: D. Walker, D. Stevens, M. Barone (Student Senators) (Passed)
The Minutes from March 2, 2004 were approved.
The Chair opened by explaining, as per his previous e-mail,
he would be suspending the rules of the Senate in order to have an open
Walkuski then mentioned a motion being brought forward from
Vice President Shaut, regarding the search for Associate Vice President for
Finance and Management, if the Senate would like to participate. (Passed; SEE
Senate actions)
REPORT: No report.
S REPORT: No report.
REPORT: P. Buckenmeyer was happy to announce that Laura Brunez, Early
Childhood Education major, will be the recipient of the Faculty Senate
scholarship and reported that she would like to express her gratitude to the
REPORT: President Bitterbaum opened by talking about a series of
breakfasts his office is sponsoring inviting business people from the community
and government officials to see how SUNY Cortland, �as largest employer in the
community, can brainstorm this institution to move forward.� He encouraged
anyone, if they think of someone who might be important to invite, to send him
an e-mail.
He also mentioned USA Team Handball and thanked Ted Fay and
Chris Malone as well as the Provost for their contribution.�
The Presidents of two Turkish universities are coming on
Scholar�s Day.�
He commended Student and Academic Affairs who have worked
very hard and reported that two weeks ago there were ten thousand applications.
The Admissions Office closed at 9,800. This last weekend there were 1700-1800
guests on campus with a very strong class. He reported that we are looking at
another 1,075 and an additional 500 transfer students, with a grand total of
11,000+ applications, including freshmen and transfers. He ended by saying, �Things
bode well from that point of view.�:
He reported from John Mosser�s area, saying that Glen
Toolman, businessman and entrepreneur, has been invited to lecture on campus,
including Tim Phillip�s classes in Economics. It was felt that since other
colleges are doing it, inviting guest lecturers from the world of business or
other areas outside of academics, that Cortland would try it.
July 16 or 18 will be the summer alumni reunions, which
usually fall at the five year mark. He said, �We would love to have you come on
campus. Alums love to meet former professors.�
SUNY Cortland has been approached by Cornell ROTC asking us
if we are willing to host a faculty member to teach Binghamton and Cortland so
students don�t have to drive to Cornell to take ROTC 101. He went on to say,
since we did not invite ROTC to teach on our campus in the past, he had studied
historical documents indicating a vote of decent back in the 70's, although he
is not sure exactly when. He reported he doesn�t know if it needs another vote.
The President closed by asking everyone to congratulate Mark
Prus, Dean of Arts and Sciences, and Bill Shaut, Vice President of Finance and
Management, for their recent appointments. There was a hearty round of
FOR THE PRESIDENT: K. Alwes asked if there would be a discussion and
vote on the ROTC issue and Bitterbaum replied that if not a vote, at least a
Long Range Planning Committee - Fay reported that the
final cycle has been circulated for review and the following day there would be
a meeting with President Bitterbaum to discuss basically the review of
Educational Policy Committee - Anderson reported that
the proposed amendments to the College Handbook pertaining to
departmental policies is being disseminated to campus and that her committee
encourages people in areas to look at it and e-mail feedback to EPC before we
vote on it.� Alwes asked if the deadline
was close to April 12 and Anderson answered in the affirmative.
Student Affairs Committee - {SEE Secretary�s
Faculty Affairs Committee - No report.
SUNY Senator Phillips gave a quick report concerning
feedback from the April 22-23 SUNY Faculty Senate meeting about value added
assessment to bring the Senate up to date on what has transpired so far.� He reviewed the history where last June the
Board of Trustees passed value added system-wide assessment and subsequently
the Faculty Senates have formed a group to �battle� it.� They came up with a plan and he quickly
outlined the six elements of the plan. Both of these executive committees are
in support of this plan. Some people, however, are against system wide
assessment and have let the Board of Trustees know they think it�s not a good
idea. They came up with a plan, the six key elements in the existing assessment
plans in addition to the ongoing GEAR Process (General Education Assocation
Review.)� He expressed that many feel
there is no need for second system layered assessment and that Math, written
and critical thinking and reasoning should be assessed to reflect external
measures. They feel GE can be done to provide flexibility for campuses.
He ended by mentioning the National Survey for Student
Engagement, which will be an upcoming issue at the SUNY Student Assembly next
weekend and he will be attending.
Barone asked him if he understood if assessment was going to
be on the agenda and mentioned possibly discussing it with him after the
M. Barone discussed the Student Government Association�s
attempt at trying to address some of the student concerns regarding the
increases in prices of textbooks and passed around a resolution drafted to
voice their concerns which will be discussed at the next meeting.
Committee on Committees - No report.
XVI. NEW BUSINESS: No new business.
The proposed changes in consultative committees was opened
up to the floor for discussion. The motion asked specifically for a change in
procedures and not a change in by-laws, he explained, in italics, �Once the
committee has identified candidates for on campus interviews, supervisors
contact candidates in consultation of Search Committee chair and affirmative
action officers.�
K. Alwes asked if this was an option and Walkuski replied
that it was a significant part of this addition. The motion carried.
Senator Walsh explained the rationale for his proposal that
the bylaws be amended to suspend term limits for Senators for a faculty
referendum.� He felt it was important to
have senior faculty on the Senate for the purposes of experience and/or
institutional memory.� He read e-mails
from Judy Ouellette who said, �The purpose of the Senate is to represent to the
best of its ability.....�and Judith Best, �I firmly support the principal of no
term limits...the goal is to represent...it is absurd to turn away those who
are willing to serve....�
Senator Walsh then pointed out a typo in the resolution [SEE
Appendix] substituting the word �officers� for �offices.��
K. Alwes supported the motion, pointing out the roster as it
came around saying, �I counted the vacancies, there are seven. That is quite a
lot of people not being represented in different areas.� I would support this if for no other reason
for representation and putting up no obstacles to people who want to serve.�
T. Phillips spoke in support of the motion as he had checked
with colleagues from 7 other institutions: no term limits at Pottsdam; 2
consecutive terms at Binghamton; 3 terms in a row at Albany; and no term limits
at Stony brook or old Westbury, to name a few.
Walkuski asked Walsh to clarify if he meant no more than two
limits and then you could never run again, or two terms and you could take a
break and run again and it was clarified.
M. Friga spoke to the motion agreeing with Phillips,
expressing the desire to, �cast the widest net.�
K. Alwes pointed out the past history of years of vacancies
on the Senate and people unwilling to run. She indicated it might occur
although she has never seen it.
Buckenmeyer said there should be an endeavor to mentor new
faculty coming in to get involved in Faculty Senate, saying, �We still need to
encourage young faculty.�
Craig Little spoke in favor of the motion, �Whether it�s the
legislative body of the United States Congress or the Faculty Senate, I am
opposed to term limits amongst any legislative body. It ought to be people who
have extensive experience.� He indicated he was not aware having chaired the
Senate 15 years ago there was a limitation on senatorial term limits and was
troubled by it.
R. Sipher said, �If it is good enough for the US Senate, it
ought to be good enough for us. I am not convinced why officers can�t serve two
successive terms. We didn�t have this policy in us until FDR....�
Walsh indicated he was willing to go with a compromise as
far as deleting the part about term limits of Senate Officers.
C. Little expressed that he felt the US government is
fundamentally a different kind of authority and mandates, essentially,
representatives of their district and pointed out the separation of powers in
American government. He said, �I have no problem with a two years limit on the
officers of the Senate....rationale would be to push the principal....no limits
all the way around.�
R. Sipher spoke, �There is something that is troubling me. A
lot of you people we just heard from are a very small number of people. This is
not my idea of a dialogue. I get frustrated when you come to Senate, something
gets voted up or down. That is not my idea of a Senate. Sometimes people don�t
want to run for senate. Most people are silent, yes or no. I am being critical
of the Senate right now.�
E. McCabe expressed her opening saying, �I just want to say
I agree with Michael. I think not having limits can restrict newer faculty from
getting involved....If someone is entrenched people keep electing them.�
M. Chandler mentioned, referring to the risk of running, �It
is sort of embarrassing....the other gets few votes...This doesn�t prohibit
somebody to take a break and come back again, because we have done that in the
past. The present system doesn�t exclude any of us, including myself. I took a
break and then came back.�
T. Phillips spoke to the motion saying, �In the past 1-15
years, young faculty members wanted to run against older Senators.� It isn�t as if we have all these heated
contests for Senate. It� hasn�t happened.�� He expressed he didn�t believe in kicking out
people who want to serve and are doing a good job.
B. Mattingly expressed some concern, having to do with a
general attitude towards service on campus. �We will find a few people who are
willing to do all the work. If someone is there we�ll just keep them there. The
policy that might say, �it�s okay for you not to step up if someone else can�....
with just senior faculty to fill these positions, no, this is a representative
position, the Senate is a leadership position, or have just the opposite
K. Alwes indicated �I am against excluding and setting up
obstacles. I suggest people vote against people who are taking over the Faculty
Senate. People aren�t getting involved. The people who want to be involved are
being told not to. I see the reality versus the idea.�
B. Mattingly indicated he was aware of a situation in his
department where there was a young faculty member who was being pressured to
serve on the Senate, saying �That kind of pressure is unconscionable. I am
concerned about a newer faculty member being exploited by a senior faculty
M. Friga said, �As a junior�
faculty member, my perception is the opposite. He said in his department
he felt pressure not to be involved in anything school wide and� anything put all of his attention on his
department ending, �....and if you don�t do that, it will be held against you.�
Walsh responded pointing out Mattingly�s point was an
argument in favor of the motion and not against. �I am also a junior faculty
member and serve with senior members.�
A. Young expressed that he was inclined to support it,
agreeing with Sipher�s point that the Senate could have another motion later
on.� �It will provide the Senate and the
college with more people willing to serve. Good service holds true.�
Jackson responded that if Roger Sipher feels people don�t
speak up enough in the Senate he should have been there when they discussed
raising the ceiling for the number or credits. He also said regarding the
perception of Senate and apathy on campus, �The Senate has to stand up for
itself.� We do important work that
effects everyone....we�ve been apathetic. I agree with Walsh�s motion that
people should be allowed to serve and run. Apathy is there, people should serve
and run.�
Walkuski handed over the gavel to Vice Chair Jackson and
said, �I don�t agree with the rationale that the Senate term limits rules. The
bylaws talk about consecutive terms. All faculty have the opportunity to serve,
be it on a committee or as an officer. I have my history of 5 years, running
for treasurer and then chair. I Don�t feel it is an issue of representation
that would be taken care of with this particular motion. The issue at hand is,
what value do we place on the Senate....what are we doing as a body to
encourage individuals in your departments to be involved with the Senate?� It doesn�t address the issue of people who
may serve...if you have senior faculty member status does that mean you have
this institutional memory? Absolutely. Does it mean you serve the Senate to the
best of your ability? I was told when I ran for the Senate it was not
productive so I ran. I oppose this motion. I believe in the opportunity for
individuals to serve in variety of capacities on the Senate. That�s all I need
to say.�
Cottone spoke in support of the motion saying, �There is no
guarantee if this passes it will change anything and it may create a second set
of new issues which can be resolved later on.� He indicated that if there were
issues created by seniority positions then the Senate could bring the same
debate back in a year or so.
D. Walker said, �It doesn�t affect me being a student. There
are two issues, placing limit on how long a Senator can serve, lack of
representation or information we might lose for that term if they are not on
Senate. There is apathy with term vacancies...So, can we amend it so we can
serve both issues, faculty not having opportunity rather than getting rid of
the limit?�
There was general discussion regarding this issue and a vote
{SEE Senate Actions}
Masoom Ali encouraged everyone to participate in
Make-A-Difference Day on May 5, 8:00 -11:00 AM and asked everyone, faculty,
students and staff, to come out and show their support to enhance and clean up
the campus.
The meeting was adjourned at 2:18 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Kissel
Recording Secretary
The following reports are appended to the Minutes in the
order reported and submitted by Senators and other members.
(1) Administration�s report to the Senate submitted by
President Bitterbaum
(2) Proposal to amend college by-laws concerning the current
successive term limits on Faculty��������
(3) Textbook Resolution submitted by M. Barone, representing
the SUNY Cortland Student������� Senate.