����������������������� �� September 16, 2008                                  �������������������������������������


1. CALL TO ORDER: The second meeting of the Faculty Senate was called to order by

Chair William Buxton at 1:10 PM in Brockway Hall, Jacobus Lounge.


SENATORS AND MEMBERS PRESENT:B. Buxton, K. Lawrence, J. Duncan, J. Shedd,

I. Jubran, D. West, N. Helsper, H. Botwinick, D. Miller, J. Reese, J. Governali, J. Hendrick,

O. White, A. Dahlman, D. Harrington, T. Vigars, T. Slack, S. Snell, M. Dwyer, M. Rainsford,

C. Hahl


SENATORS AND MEMBERS ABSENT: J. .Walkuski, J. Rayle, B. Langhans, D. Videto,

M. Ware, R. Franco, W. Shaut, R. Kendrick, J. Walkuski, M. Connell


GUESTS: H. Wilson, G. Clark, J. Mosher



The minutes from September 2, 2008 were approved as amended:The Senate Plenary for the

University Faculty Senate will be held on September 18 and 19th with David Berger (Research) and Mike Holland (Student Life) also attending.



The nominations from the Committee on Committees were approved (Passed) {SEE Appendix 1]



Chair Buxton reported on an issue that came out of the Steering Committee involving a charge to the Educational Policy Committee for clarification to see if a policy exists for the overlap of the same courses in majors or minors; if a policy does exist, what is the policy; and, if the policy does not exist, what recommendation(s) does the Educational Policy Committee make to clarify the overlap of courses in majors and minors?H. Botwinick asked for clarification if the charge was to clarify policy or formulate a new policy.B. Buxton responded that if no policy exists than a recommendation is desired from EPC on formulating a new policy. J. Shedd asked if someone was going to investigate if there is pre-existing SUNY policy. Chair Buxton responded that that the EPC could look into it. D. West pointed out problematic economic factors since, in formulating a new policy, this might necessitate the need for more faculty teaching courses.


The second item of business was the charge to the Faculty Affairs Committee regarding review of the College Handbook for areas of vagueness, ambiguity or contradictions that might impact personnel processes or decisions for college faculty.He explained that a useful starting point will be the review conducted by the Faculty Affairs Committee in 2006-2007 that was not acted on by the Faculty Senate.There was an ensuing discussion regarding clarification of the charge and background information, as well as specific examples from Provost Mark Prus regarding the need for conformity in different parts of the handbook which have been found to be incongruous.


The Chair also reported that D. Margine and O. Wright have been added to the ad hoc committee to make a recommendation for an alternative time for the Faculty Senate to meet.


Regarding the Review of Governance Committee recommendations, Buxton indicated that because the proposals from any committee do not carry forward from one academic year to the next, there will need to be a new proposal to part of the proposals to the floor of the Senate.He indicated that the process has already begun with the proposal listed under new business regarding the Ad Hoc Committee to review and make recommendations on the creation of the Professional Affairs Committee.Chair Buxton stated that the Steering Committee has solicited input from the campus and welcomes any additional proposals that come from the recommendations that are still posted on the Faculty Senate website.H. Botwinick asked the chair a question about the Steering Committee�s not taking a stronger position in bringing forward the Review of Governance Report from last year.Chair Buxton responded that the Steering Committee felt that it was too large a role to take on.G. Clarke was recognized from the floor and stressed that if more participation is desired on the Senate then there has to be a better outcome and, considering the amount of work put into the Review of Governance Report, it should not just be completely forgotten.


Finally the Chair stressed the importance of faculty governance and having all seats filled, not just on the Faculty Senate, but on various standing, ad hoc and search committees that are part of faculty governance.Buxton urged senior faculty and department chairs to encourage their colleagues to participate in faculty governance.



K. Lawrence � No report.



J. Duncan �  No report.



J. Shedd - No report.



The President gave a brief report which included severe budget ramifications.President Bitterbaum also followed up on an item from the last Senate meeting reporting that Steve Dangler has been included in making campus crosswalks safer and signs have been posted at Corey and in front of Moffett in this effort.


D. Miller indicated he felt the campus needed to redouble its efforts involving energy conservation and asked that the lights be turned off in the room, which they were, in support of that measure.


B. Buxton asked if a campus wide committee could be formed to make budget recommendations. President Bitterbaum indicated that he has been in contact with each of the Vice Presidents in their areas in such an effort and will be reporting back in the future.






Long Range Planning Committee � Chair Buxton reported that the committee has informed him they will be meeting soon.


Educational Policy Committee � R. Kendrick (absent) � Chair Buxton reported that the committee has informed him they will be meeting soon.


Student Affairs Committee � M. Connell, Chair � No report (absent)


Faculty Affairs Committee � J. Walkuski (absent) � Chair Buxton reported in the absence of

Chair Walkuski that he has been busy working to get his committee together and they will be meeting soon.


College Research Committee � No report.


General Education Committee � D. Miller, Chair � Miller reported that his committee would be meeting on Tuesday. He indicated that although he has had difficulty finding an agreeable meeting time he is working on unique strategies.Miller further indicated that the General Education Committee should be up and running shortly and, in the meantime, he has sent everyone on the committee relevant documents for review.


Committee on Committees � B. Buxton gave the report for the Committee on Committees.

The nominations from the committee were approved {SEE APPENDIX 1}



There were no Area Senator reports.


XI. SUNY SENATOR�S REPORT � M. Ware (absent).



C. Hahl gave a brief report.



There was no Old Business.



The proposal to create an Ad Hoc Committee to study and make recommendations regarding creation of the Professional Affairs Committee as an additional Standing Policy Committee of the Senate was distributed and introduced.A. Dahlman reinforced to the Senate that the Ad Hoc Committee would not constitute the Professional Affairs Committee but would be set up in order to determine the make up and duties of this proposed standing committee for professionals.


J. Hendrick asked if the proposed representation for professionals is proportional to the professional representation in the different areas across campus. T. Vigars responded that it was their attempt to assure that the numbers are closely proportional.


D. West asked if the Professional Affairs Committee proposal is adopted would the committee become part of the Steering Committee.B. Buxton responded that at this point in time it would not, although he stated that this possibility could be included as part of the recommendations.


Respectfully Submitted:


Barbara Kissel

Recording Secretary


The following reports are appended to the minutes in the order they are submitted:


(1)   Committee on Committees report submitted by J. Barry, Chair.


(2)   Faculty Senate Proposal on creation of an Ad Hoc Committee on the formation of the Professional Affairs Committee as an additional Standing Policy Committee of the Senate submitted by Professional Senators A. Dahlman, T. Vigars.



����������������������������������������������������������� APPENDIX 1

����������������������������������������������� Committee on Committees report


Committee on Committees � Report to the Faculty Senate

September 16, 2008


Item # 1


The following committee appointments are being recommended, and confirmation by the Faculty Senate is required:


School of Arts & Sciences:


Fine Arts & Humanities

  • College Research Committee, appointed, 3-year term (qualifications:should have received grant from external funding or reviewed grants from an outside agency) � Barbara Wisch



  • College Curriculum Review Committee - appointed, 2-year term � Damien Pittman
  • Faculty Affairs Committee � appointed, 2-year term � Moataz Emam
  • General Education Committee - elected, 2-year term � Claus Schubert
  • Student Affairs Committee � appointed, 2-year term � Aphrodite Ahmadi


Social/Behavioral Sciences

  • Long Range Planning Committee - appointed, 3-year term � Mel King
  • Student Affairs Committee - appointed, complete unexpired term 07-09 � Tim Phillips


School of Education: 

  • Faculty Affairs Committee - appointed, 2-year term � Joseph Rayle


School of Professional Studies: 

        Long Range Planning Committee - appointed, 3-year term � Diane Craft

        Student Affairs Committee - appointed, 2-year term � Tim Davis


 Professional Staff:

  • Faculty Affairs Committee - appointed, 2-year term � Brian Tobin


Item #2

  • The ballots for the search committees for the Dean of Arts & Sciences & the Dean of Professional Studies have been issued. They are due back by September 23, 2008.


Item #3

  • A call for nominations has been issued for two vacancies on the ad hoc committee for external review (Math/Science and School of Professional Studies).Nominations are due back by September 17, 2008.To date, no nominations have been received for the Math/Science vacancy.Susan Wilson has been nominated from the School of Professional Studies.Nominations can be accepted from the floor of the Faculty Senate.




Faculty Senate Proposal on creation of an Ad Hoc Committee for the Professional Affairs Committee as an additional Standing Policy Committee of the Senate��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������

����������������������������������� Submitted by A. Dahlman, T. Vigars



������ Faculty Senate Proposal

Based on the survey conducted by and the recommendation of the Review of Governance Committee, the Professional Senators strongly recommend that the Faculty Senate add a Professional Affairs Committee as an additional Standing Policy Committee of the Senate.The proposed committee would, essentially, provide the functional equivalent of the Faculty Affairs Committee for professionals.

We therefore move that an ad hoc Senate committee be set up in order to determine the make-up and duties of this proposed standing committee for professionals.All members of this ad hoc committee should be professionals, and membership should be elected from the following areas:

Chair elected at large from the professionals

1 rep from Institutional Advancement which includes Alumni Affairs, Publications and Electronic Media, Public Relations, Financial Operations, The Cortland Fund, Leadership Giving, Planned Giving, and Advancement and Information Services.

1 rep from Finance and Management, which includes Finance, Facilities Management, and Human Resources.

2 reps fromStudent Affairs which includes Corey Union and Conferences, Academic Support and Achievement Program, Educational Opportunity Program, Residential Services, Recreational Sports, the Student Development Center, Judicial Affairs, University Police, and Multicultural Affairs.

2 reps from Academic Affairs which includes the School of Education (Center for Educational Exchange & Field Placement), School of Arts and Sciences (Art and Art History, Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Performing Arts, and Physics.) School of Professional Studies (SUNY Youth Sports Coaching Institute and Kinesiology), Research and Sponsored Programs, Athletics, Clark Center for International Education, Faculty Development Center, Graduate Studies, Institutional research and Assessment, Intercultural and Gender Studies, International Programs, and Outdoor and Environmental Education.

1 rep from Information Resources , which includes Academic Computing,Administrative Computing, Classroom Media Services, Memorial Library, and the Center for the Advancement of Technology in Education.

1 rep from Enrollment Management, which includes the Registrar, Admissions, Financial Advisement, and Advisement and Transition.

Pending Senate approval of the ad hoc committee�s recommendations, this proposal would then be placed in a referendum to change the Senate�s committee structure and bylaws.


