SENATORS AND MEMBERS PRESENT: K. Alwes, R. Spitzer, J. Governali, J. Hendrick, J. Rayle, J. Mosher, D. Sidebottom, J. Sitterly, B. Tobin,
D. Ritchie, J. Walkuski, P. Schroeder, K. Boyes, S. Brown, C. Schacht, E. Bitterbaum, R. Peagler, J. Cottone, G. Clarke, D. Ritchie, S. Anderson, M. McGuire
King, E. McCabe, D. Berger, K. Lawrence, P. Quaglio, G. Zarate,
D. Miller, D. West, L. Anderson, J. Casciani, E. Jampole,
V. Marty, T. Slack, M. Ware, B. Schecter, E.
Davis-Russell, R. Franco, W. Shaut, M. Connell
Levine, N. Aumann, P. Koryzno,
R. Olsson, M. Prus, E. Caffarella
The Minutes from
There was a vote to approve the Long Range Planning Committee (LRPC) Proposed Process for Input Regarding Divisional Strategic Plans (Passed)
There was a vote to approve the Long Range Planning
Committee motion regarding the appointment of three year staggered terms (Passed)
There was a vote to approve the resolution submitted by R. Spitzer regarding the Virginia Tech tragedy (Passed)
Vice Chair Alwes conducted the meeting in the absence of Chairman King who was unable to attend.� The Long Range Planning Committee proposals, held over from a prior Senate meeting, were held during the Chair's report to ensure that its business would be concluded.
K. Alwes - No report.
D. Berger - No report.
The President gave a brief report.
There was a question from R. Spitzer regarding a student who worked in one of the Fitness Facilities on campus who had discovered that undergraduate students were being given faculty staff permits and when inquired was told not to pursue it and quit.
The other issue regarded the Colloquin
Room in Old Main where it was rumored that they would be cutting back their
services, providing less variety and no hot foods.
The third item from D. Ritchie
involved the snowstorm and the college's ability to post the information
regarding classes being cancelled in a timely manner.
Educational Policy Committee � J. Cottone gave a brief report.
Student Affairs Committee � M. Connell, Chair � No report (absent)
Faculty Affairs Committee � G. Clarke, Chair � No report.
College Research Committee � G. Clarke gave a brief report.
General Education Committee � M. McGuire gave a brief report.
Committee on Committees � E. McCabe (absent) - No report.
R. Spitzer gave a brief report addressing allegations that
he had made disparaging comments regarding his departmental secretary at the
last meeting. He explained that he had obtained the tapes from the previous
meeting on April 3 and made a transcription, to set the record straight.� He announced that D. Dintino
was an excellent person and secretary and made it clear that no such discourse
had ever taken place {SEE Appendix 1)
R. Spitzer brought forth a motion regarding the Virginia Tech tragedy and asked that it be forwarded to the institution.
XII. SUNY SENATOR�S REPORT � M. Ware � K. Alwes announced, in the absence of SUNY Senator Ware, that the next Senate Plenary will be at Brockport from April 26-28 and if anyone had questions or concerns to please e-mail Ware and she would make a report at the next Senate meeting.
K. Boyes gave a brief report regarding student elections and Festivus.
There was no new business.
Respectfully Submitted:
Recording Secretary
The following reports are appended to the minutes in the order they are submitted:
(1) There was a vote to approve the Long Range Planning Committee (LRPC) Proposed Process for Input Regarding Divisional Strategic Plans.
(2) There was a vote to approve the Long Range Planning
Committee motion regarding the appointment of three year staggered terms.
(3) Verbatim Transcription of R. Spitzer's comments during
Area Senator's report at
(4) There was a vote to approve the resolution submitted by R. Spitzer regarding the Virginia Tech tragedy.
����������� ��� Proposed Process for Input Regarding
Divisional Strategic Plans
In accordance with College Handbook section D.3(d),
it is the responsibility of the Long-Range Planning Committee (LRPC) to
�determine the procedure whereby faculty and student input is obtained
regarding long-range plans. The procedure developed shall be subject to approval
by the Senate, and to mandatory review every two years.�
Since �long range� plans � in the recent past only two-three
years in length and consisting of objectives developed jointly by the
administration and college community � have been replaced by five-year
divisional strategic plans developed by each of the vice-presidents and their
staffs, the process has to be changed. The following process is proposed for
each divisional strategic plan:
1.� The LRPC receives
a draft five-year divisional strategic plan from the Vice President near the
beginning of the five-year cycle.
2.� After a brief
period for review, the LRPC meets with the Vice President to discuss what
priority each of the objectives in the strategic plan has been given.
3.� The LRPC will publicize
the draft strategic plan, highlighting priorities, to encourage input
from faculty, staff, and students.� The strategic plan will be publicized via
�e-mail and through
�notices in media
outlets such as The Bulletin and The Dragon Chronicle.
4.� The LRPC, in
conjunction with the Vice President, will announce an open meeting to
discuss the plan and receive input from the campus
5.� Based on the
results of this meeting, the LRPC will provide specific feedback to the
Vice President, with copy to the
6.� As part of their
response back to the LRPC, the Vice President will provide any updates to the
plan to the LRPC and to the campus community.
7.� On at least an
annual basis in the spring of each year, the Vice President will inform the
LRPC of further updates to the plan and progress and accomplishments under the
strategic plan.
8.�� The LRPC will
then publish an annual review of the updates/accomplishments of the various
strategic plans to the
����������������������������������������������� APPENDIX 2
����� Motion regarding staggering of three year appointed terms
The Long-Range
Planning Committee introduces the following motion for the April
Whereas the Long
Range Planning Committee (LRPC) members are to be appointed for three-year
staggered terms;
And whereas
currently four (4) terms end this spring 2007, two (2) terms end in spring
2008; and zero (0) terms end in 2009;
Therefore, be it
resolved that, for the current spring 2007 election only, the following two (2)
LRPC positions will have a 2-year term to end in 2009, thereby restoring more
equally-staggered three-year terms for the LRPC:
-the term for the
Fine Arts/humanities representative
terms for the Library representative.
���������������������������� ��������� APPENDIX 3
� Transcription of Dialogue during Area
Senator's report, R. Spitzer
SPITZER: I do have one item, I�m not sure where to direct it, though, it pertains to advisement. I was on sabbatical last semester, so I didn�t do advising, but this semester apparently it�s not possible to obtain a printed copy of the full master schedule of the Fall 07 semester. And I did my first advising yesterday . . . . We have certainly obtained printed copies every semester in the past even though the information is online, can it�even if it cannot be made available printed, can it at least be made available in summary fashion online where it could then be printed because . . . it makes my job more difficult, and it makes it more complicated for the students as well to not have a physical printed copy of the courses to come.� Is that something that can be �
BITTERBAUM: That can be done. What I would share with you is that people have forgot � I did make a promise that as far as the catalog was concerned. . . Now as to the, say, the summer schedule, the winter schedule, or the spring, we were supposed to do one for each department, that would be available.� I will have to � I made that promise to the faculty and I�m not going back on it; every department would have a hard copy that they could look at.� Oh, I�m sorry, go ahead. I was trying to finish the thought, so, the important thing is that every department can have a hard copy of, and that was my understanding, and the Registrar�s Office, if Elizabeth knows something else, I�m sure she�d be happy to share it.� The Registrar�s not here � the idea�s not to make it a hardship, right?� I will share with you, on a positive note, that our students love having the catalog online. . . .but if it is a difficulty for anyone. . . and I will turn it over to Elizabeth for some additional thoughts.
DAVIS-RUSSELL: When we did this, the secretaries were trained in how to print copies for each department, so your secretary should have been able to print a copy.
SPITZER: If I may follow up, I did make that inquiry and was told � now, maybe there�s been a glitch in information � I did make that inquiry, and our secretary said that she was not able to obtain it in that fashion [as a PDF] to print out.
GOVERNALI:� I had the same need that Bob did; the secretaries can do that; because I was able to get, have the secretaries download, we can�t do it, but the secretaries can.
SPITZER:� You were able to do it this semester?
GOVERNALI:� The secretaries can.��
SPITZER:� OK, but this semester?
GOVERNALI:� This semester.�
SPITZER:� OK, so �
BITTERBAUM:� Well, if Debbie can�t, why don�t you ask her to ask another secretary �
GOVERNALI:� Maybe the Health Department.
SPITZER:� Thank you.
GOVERNALI:� Thank you.
BITTERBAUM:� Well, I�ll be curious, any other secretaries for any other departments that are struggling � well, we�ll be happy to work with you �
SPITZER:� I�m deeply grateful.
KING:� Any other area senator. . . .
������������������������������������� APPENDIX 4
��������� Motion Regarding Virginia Tech
Tragedy, R. Spitzer
WHEREAS, the senseless shooting
that occurred yesterday, April 16, 2007, on the campus of Virginia Polytechnic
Institute and State University, also known as Virginia Tech, resulting in the
deaths of more than thirty people, and the injury of nearly thirty, shocks and
offends all connected with higher education, as well as the nation; and
WHEREAS, violence is the
antithesis of everything for which a university stands, be it therefore
RESOLVED that the entire SUNY
Cortland community expresses its grief and outrage at this senseless act of
wanton violence, and on behalf of the entire Cortland community, the
RESOLVED, that the Senate
requests that this Resolution be transmitted to Virginia Tech President Charles
Steger, and to the university's faculty governance body or bodies.