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Social Philosophy

Cultivate the capacities and appetite for self-expression and reflection, for debate and exchange of ideas, for reflecting on and puzzling over problems of living, being human and being part of a community. With our unique program in social philosophy — one of the only two in the SUNY system, you will graduate with distinctive skills that employers desire from a college graduate.

Career Potential

  • Counseling
  • Education
  • Government and Public Service
  • Journalism
  • Law
  • Social Advocacy and Activism
  • Human Services

4+1 Opportunity in Education

You can earn a B.A. in social philosophy and M.S.T. in childhood education in five years through SUNY Cortland’s unique accelerated track.

You’ll be certified to teach grades 1 to 6, gaining strong foundational knowledge in philosophy as well as a minor content area that may include English, history, mathematics or the sciences. Learn more about the Loading...

What Will I Learn?

  • How to think critically, solve problems, articulate ideas and read and write effectively.
  • Preparation for the tasks of citizenship, participation in political and community affairs and for responsible and intelligent engagement in public life.

Special Features

  • One of only two majors in social philosophy in the SUNY system
  • Close interaction with faculty
  • Prepares you to explore options for graduate study
  • Center for Ethics, Peace and Social Justice

Get Involved

College is more than a classroom. Enhance your experience with extracurricular opportunities such as internships, study abroad, and independent work with teachers.

Student Clubs

Student Government Association

Next Steps