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Adolescence Education: English (7-12)

As you actively participate in the process of reading and writing and study how words work: how they can be shaped into literary art, organized into a lesson plan, or developed into distinct genres, from poetry to a resume, you’ll also learn how to share this love of language as a teacher of adolescents.

Career Potential

  • High school teacher
  • Middle school teacher

What Will I Learn?

You’ll take courses with our award-winning faculty in literature, professional writing and adolescence education, covering topics such as Shakespeare, world literature, rhetoric, new media and 21st century literacies.

Special Features

If you meet the requirements, you may pursue an honors program designed to stimulate independent work of a high critical and imaginative order. You may take any 400-level English class for honors credit, with approval of the instructor.

Get Involved

College is more than a classroom. There are many ways to get involved: join a club, participate in the honors program or intern in a career field that interests you.

Student Clubs

Honor Societies

Sigma Tau Delta, International English Honor Society

Next Steps