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Laurie Gries

Laurie E Gries book cover

Praise for Still Life With Rhetoric:

"[A] theoretically informed and methodologically sound engagement with the rhetorical image of Obama Hope. . . Still Life not only creates a new materialist methodology for visual rhetorics but also demonstrates how new materialism can enable scholars to understand images as important members of the political and social communities in which they exist. . . . it succeeds in all aspects of rhetorical scholarship and will serve as both a touchstone and exemplar of the field for years to come. To put it in Gries’s language, this book is an object that has the ability to reassemble the network of which it is a part in meaningful and unexpected ways." – Composition Studies

"[B]oth a rich case study and a theorized yet empirical methodology for creating new materialist rhetorical scholarship."— College Composition and Communication

“[C]ontributes a robust new materialist methodology to the burgeoning scholarly reconsiderations of the material, temporal and consequential things of collective life.”— Present Tense