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Art Exhibition Association (AEA)

AEA, in association with the Dowd Fine Arts Gallery, makes a significant social, educational, and cultural contribution to Cortland College and greater Cortland community through the promotion of the visual arts.

In addition to providing educational workshops, open student/faculty critiques, day and weekend trips to visit galleries, art schools, and museums, AEA also encourages the college wide appreciation of art. In its partnership with the Dowd Fine Arts Gallery, students are exposed to and participate in a wide variety of educational and recreational activities. Students learn how to present their work to galleries and museums, how to mount and light their work, and students learn about the financial, creative, interpersonal workings of a university art gallery, and often apply these lessons to exhibiting their own work in student shows throughout the year. As a club, AEA also sponsors art sales and potluck dinners for the campus community and its members.

  • AEA sponsors numerous events throughout the academic year, including bi-weekly meetings, educational workshops, fundraisers, and field trips to museums, galleries and other visual art organizations in the region.
  • AEA members also sponsor annual potluck dinners, student/faculty critiques, and hands-on workshops to teach students about matting artwork.
  • All exhibitions and exhibition-related programs are sponsored by Mandatory Student Fees through the Art Exhibition Association and the Student Government Association

Visit the AEA club page