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Exhibition Information

Zeke Leonard: (rust) Echoes
September 11 - November 17, 2017

A gallery installation inspired by the sonic landscape of the New York Central Railroad. For a hundred years, this network moved goods and people throughout the Northeast and Midwest; its connectivity helped to forge the economic and social framework of Central New York.

As the railways were dismantled and fell out of use, the objects and spaces that were built to support them have shifted from being objects of use to objects that indicate use. This installation engages those objects and forms in a new way, by giving steel and wood a voice and by using railroad tools and hardware as musical instruments.

By recontextualising formerly vital objects in this way we are able to contemplate questions of use and re-use, of resource us- age on an industrial level, and of our responsibilities individually and collectively to the objects, systems, and materials that we engage every day.