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Exhibition Information

Care, Crisis, Climate, and Debt
October 29-December 13, 2019

SUNY Cortland’s Cultural and Intellectual Climate Committee (CICC) this Fall semester invited graphic design students from the ATS 341 Digital Illustration course to explore a wide range of issues spanning health care, student loans, criminal justice, inequality, and climate change. Therefore, this exhibition showcases the end product, thirteen graphic design student posters focused on Care, Crisis, Climate, and Debt.

This project is a collaboration with CICC series coordinator Benjamin Wilson, assistant professor of Economics Department and Szilvia Kadas, assistant professor of graphic design and digital media, Art and Art History Department.

Students participating in this project include:
Brooke Hollister, Michael Morris, John Figary, Cristian Padilla, Sierra Dell, Courtney Maurin, Morgan McDonald, Matthew Okerayi, Justin Schebel, Lauren Lloyd, Francis Fruehan, Alexandra Gentner, and Kasey Berbary.