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Exhibition Information

Artists as Collectors: Works from Private Collections
August 31 - October 9, 2020

Professors and instructors contributed artwork and objects they accumulated over an extended period of time. The approach to collecting by an artist bares individual sets of objectives and transcends different desires than from an art collector. For the most part, the action is not driven by value, investment, or historical significance. Instead, the motivation to possess originates from specific interests, aesthetic inclinations, and individual artistic practices. For some, collecting presents a source of inspiration, reflecting in their own practice, or symbolizes a personal connection to the creator of the object. Rather than building a comprehensive collection, artists tend to select articles that reveal a window into their inner world and creativity. Throughout recent history, artists like Andy Warhol, Sol LeWitt, or Damian Hirst built unique collections that not only provide insight into their psychological space but also offer a piece of supplemental information about their practice and personal history. The same is evident in this exhibition.

Wide angle view of the exhibition (with text: Explore 3D space)
Explore the 3D virtual exhibition.

Wide angle view of the exhibition (with text: Explore 3D space)
View photos of the exhibition.

The show features works by recognizable names such as Pablo Picasso, Marc Chagall, or Shepard Fairey, as well as objects and artworks from colleagues and friends of contributors alongside unknown authors. The exhibition presents a visual map of the collecting process from an artist's perspective. Although included artwork comes from many different sources, the result illustrates that even seemingly unrelated pieces of art hold the potential to create a narrative. The design objects placed alongside paintings, prints, and sculptures highlight the common thread of visual communication. The view is invited to explore the connection between art disciplines, design, and historical artifacts and evaluate aesthetic correlations evident in all fields.   Faculty members who lent a portion of their collection for display include Stephen Alexander Clark, Allison DeDomick, Jeremiah Donovan, Charles Heasley, Scott Oldfield, Jaroslava Prihodova, Vaughn Randall, and Bryan Valentine Thomas.

All lectures are held virtually via WebEx video-communication software. Detailed information and link invitations will be posted in advance on the Dowd Gallery website and social media.