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Exhibition Information

January 25-April 15, 2016

Artist:  Ozan Atalan

Anthropocentrism is the belief that human beings exist as the most important species on the planet. Its accompanying world view concentrates on human values and experiences, disregarding other organisms and entities entirely. In a period of time when human culture is based less on what the facts of the world actually are than on how they are perceived, AnthropoScene is a response to the underestimated importance of natural and cultural phenomena beyond our control. Taking on the human-nature polarization as a fallacy, the works connect Atalan’s comprehension of nature as objective reality with culture as a form of constructed reality, including the reality of the virtual, the cultural division of time, and the artist’s own vernacular politics. In this sense, AnthropoScene refers to a questioning of an anthropocentric view towards phenomena without separating out interwoven political, social and natural human identities.  

The physical segregation of the images creates dichotomies and also generates aggregated mental images on a perceptual level. Focusing on the significance of building an intact perception from life, the exhibition features works that navigate between their reality and different levels of representation within a broad spectrum of media. Room is opened for the intuitive in the over-rationalized and polarized world, and viewers are requested to reconsider their existence in the cultural and natural heritage in which they live.

Ozan Atalan was born and raised in Gallipoli, Turkey, and received B.A. degrees in Law at the Anadolu University Faculty of Law in 2007 and Art at the Dokuz Eylul University School of Fine Arts, Sculpture Department, in 2013. He is currently pursuing an M.F.A. concentrating in interdisciplinary practices at Syracuse University in the Sculpture Department.