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Mike Guinto '17: Out of the Woods
March 6-May 13, 2017

“At one point in your life, you will experience a sort of crucible, an event that influences your perception of the world and tests your inner character. Whether or not you rise to the challenge, you come out a changed person. The old fairy tales and stories that have been passed down through generations illustrated this concept through a common motif. The Dark Woods, the Enchanted Forest—whatever the name the character usually came out on the other side stronger with fewer illusions about the world around them.

Every individual's crucible is unique to them. Sometimes it's the moment you decide you are going to get in shape, a big audition, or a heartbreaking or terrifying realization. Sometimes it's the small everyday challenges and situations that, over time, mold us. Even though we don’t have magic pumpkins, red hoods, or fairy godmothers, the characters and lessons learned persist through time.

My goal is to bring these characters into the 21st century. In Out of the Woods, I explore the fictional characters’ classic motifs using modern college student experiences, thus establishing the relationship between the past and present. Maybe you see yourself in these characters, as you did growing up reading about them or watching them on TV.”

-Mike Guinto '17

Mike Guinto ‘17 served as a U.S. Marine Corps combat-cameraman and was stationed in Washington, D.C., from 2010-2015. Following his active duty service, Mike began classes at SUNY Cortland, where he is currently a studio art major with a concentration in printmaking.