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Exhibition Information

Keeping Things Whole
August 26-October 10, 2014

This survey of work by Fawn Krieger, a New-York-based artist, includes interactive media, sculpture, painting, drawing, collage, photography and video.  The pieces all share a common thread of tactility, psychological tenor and experimentation.  Topics examined throughout the exhibition comprise reconstruction in post-war Germany, pre-historic building, architectural modernism in the United States and, in the words of the artist, "the lasting influence of our hands in the construction of our built environments."

Fawn Krieger, Foot (detail), 2013, fabric, paint, thread, 9 1/4 x 9 1/2 in.  Photograph © Fawn Krieger.

Video Below: Susan Logan Curator's Talk, September 30, 2014

Video Below: Fawn Krieger Artist's Talk, September 16, 2014

Video Below: Scott Moranda,"Digging through the Rubble for a Useable Past: German reconstructions after 1945," September 10, 2014