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Exhibition Information

Ian McMahon: Collages
January 23-February 21, 2017

on view in conjunction with Semblance in the Dowd Gallery

“These six collages are a selection from an ongoing series created alongside my sculptural installations. I use collage as a format for playing with new forms and compositions, and some of the resulting pieces become loose ideas for large, three-dimensional works.

I start with sketches that are developed and finalized on vellum. Smaller sheets of vellum are then used to trace each of the forms, which are eventually cut out of various types of paper. Each of the pillow-like forms, for example, are cut out of 140 lb watercolor paper to give them physical texture and depth when glued and layered. Once all of the components of a piece are cut out and labeled, I go back into them with pencil to add more dimensionality. They are then glued to the base paper, starting in the background of the image and moving to the foreground.

This technique has become a rewarding way for me to make images; the approach parallels the intense process that takes place in the development and construction of an installation. I also feel that a real dimensional space is created, not only making these works useful for developing a potential idea for larger sculpture but making them visually satisfying objects in their own right.”

Ian McMahon

Ian McMahon received his MFA in sculpture and extended media from Virginia Commonwealth University and his BFA in ceramics from the New York State College of Ceramics, Alfred University. Currently living in Hornell, NY, he is the co-founder and co-director of the Belfry, an artist-run exhibition venue.