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Exhibition Information

BFA Thesis/Senior Exhibitions
April 16-20, 2012

Artist talks:
Monday, April 16, 5 P.M.
Transitional Emotions, by Leah Fries
Mindful Attachment, by John Henry Aborn
Brink, by Kelsey Cornell


Kelsey Cornell, Brink

 SUNY Cortland senior and Studio Arts major Kelsey Cornell will be exhibiting a series of works at her Senior Art Exhibition, April 16th-20th in the Dowd Gallery.

“Brink” is a series of large oil paintings that use fabric imagery to embody a barrier between actuality and a desired emotional state.  The variations between the sheer, soft, or wrinkled cloth create a calming atmosphere and the threshold to a serene and peaceful place.

Leah Fries, Transitional Emotions

Leah Fries, a senior SUNY Cortland student of the Bachelor of Fine Arts program presents a show exhibiting her thesis work, “Transitional Emotions”. Her work will be displayed in the Dowd Gallery from April 16th -20, 2012.

“Transitional Emotions” is an exhibition of ceramic vessels and collage work. Through the exploration of layers and transitioning forms from open to close, these two mediums come together to create an environment reflecting the effects time has on emotion.

John Henry Aborn, Mindful Attachment

John Henry Aborn, a senior Bachelor of Fine Arts student in SUNY Cortland’s Art and Art History Department, will present his BFA thesis show at the Dowd Gallery from April 16-20, 2012.

 “Mindful Attachment” is a portal through which the mind can glimpse the origins of our suffering and creates a sincere, earnest dialogue about our relationship with personal electronic devices and their subtle but profound spiritual repercussions.

 A series of watercolor paintings offering recognizable sources of suffering to expose its deeper origins paired with participant-generated sound to incite a process of mental and spiritual restoration.

 An opening reception will be held on Monday, April 16th starting at 4:45 p.m. and with artist talks starting at 5:00 p.m. Gallery hours for the week are Monday- Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The opening reception and exhibitions are free and open to the public.