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Exhibition Information

BA Capstone Project Exhibition
April 20 - May 15, 2021

The pieces on display explore the idea of mindfulness and how the photographic process can be utilized as a form of meditation. The focus on close-ups draws attention to the often-overlooked beauty surrounding us and creates a considered visual experience. Through the Lens: Micro Mindfulness draws on Brasted's life-long fascination with the exploration of nature through photography. 

When explaining her process, Brasted said, "Before taking a photograph, I try to really take in my surroundings and notice the fine details. When I finally do take a photo, I control my breathing and remain still in order to capture a clear image." 

About the Artist

Anna Brasted is from Holley, NY. She is a dual major in new communication media and studio art with a concentration in printmaking. Brasted's works have been on display at the 2018 and 2019 Student Select exhibitions and at the SUNY Cortland Memorial Library. Brasted has also created artwork for the 2019 Blackbird Film Festival and the 2020 Art from Isolation virtual exhibition. After graduating from SUNY Cortland, she will be attending the Visual Studies Workshop in Rochester, NY, to earn her MFA.