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Coordinator Program Forms

Category Form/Report Name Form/Report Use Form/Report URL
Coordinator Info Professional Development Report Record PD attended. PD Report
Funding Requests

Request for Funds: Supplies/Materials

Pre-Approval. Request classroom/office supplies and materials (not related to trips/events/activities)

Request for Funds: Supplies/Materials
Request for Funds: Trips/Events/Activities Pre-Approval. Request funds for LPP trip/Event/Activity Request for Funds: Trips/Events/Activities
Student Trips/Event/Activity Report Post-Trip/Event/Activity report to document students served and service hours.  Trip/Event/Activity Report
Student Forms Student Withdrawal Report Used when an LPP student no longer wishes to participate in LPP, drops out of school, or transfers into a school, building, or program w/o LPP services. Student Withdrawal Report
Re-Admission Form Used when a student previously withdrawn from LPP wishes to re-enter the program, either at the same or new school district. Re-Admission Form
Incident Report Used when an accident or incident occurs during an LPP trip/event/activity (including in the LPP classroom). Incident Report
Address Change/Verification Report Used yearly to verify returning students' addresses, or any time a student moves to a new residence (note: if legal guardianship changes with residence, new consent to enroll form must also be signed by guardian(s) and submitted to LPP office).  Address Change/Verification Report
Senior Plan Form Used at the end of the school year to document the plans of seniors who have graduated (or will graduate over the summer). Necessary form for all coordinators and this is data needed for the Final Report. Please complete by July 15th. Senior Plan Form