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Faculty Profiles

Alexandru Balas - Director, Clark Center for Global Engagement; International Studies Program

Professor of International Studies


PhD University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Political Science (International Relations), 2011
MA University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Political Science (International Relations), 2008
MA Sabanci University, Conflict Analysis and Resolution, 2006
BA University of Bucharest, Political Science, 2004

Research Areas

My research interests focus on issues of conflict resolution, peace studies, European politics, regional integration processes, international organizations, book networks, and travelers in the 19th century.

Selected Publications


Sharing the Burden of Peace: Inter-Organizational Cooperation in Peace Operations, New York: Peter Lang, May 2022
The Peace Puzzle (with Paul Diehl and Gary Goertz), New York: Oxford University Press, 2016

  • 2017 winner of the J. David Singer Book Award by the International Studies Association-Midwest
  • One of seven finalists for American Political Science Association’s 2017 Woodrow Wilson Foundation Award for the best book on government, politics, or international affairs (out of over 150 books).

Peace Operations. 2nd edition (with Paul Diehl), Cambridge: Polity Press, 2014


European Union and Conflict Resolution in Central Asia in the 21st Century” (forthcoming)

The Adventures of a Transylvanian Doctor in Constantinople, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, and Iraq (1815-1838)” (forthcoming)


“Book Review of Changing Indian Images of the European Union Perception and Misperception, Palgrave MacMillan Singapore, 2019, 162 pp., & India and the European Union in a Turbulent World, Palgrave McMillan Singapore, 2020, 220 pp., Rajendra K. Jain (Editor), Romanian Journal of Indian Studies, September 2023

“Book Note” for The Peace Continuum: What It Is and How to Study It (authored by Christian Davenport, Erik Melander, and Patrick Regan, Oxford University Press, 2018), Journal of Peace Research, November 2018

“Crossing the Ocean: Identity, Teaching, and Research Challenges for an European Scholar in U.S. Universities”, Modelling the New Europe, issue 17, December 2015: 143-163

“Demanding Peace: The Impact of Prevailing Conflict on the Shift from Peacekeeping to Peacebuilding”, Peace and Change 37(2), April 2012: 195-226 (with Andrew Owsiak and Paul Diehl)

 “It Takes Two (or More): Multiple Simultaneous Peace Operations”, Journal of International Peacekeeping 15(3-4), September 2011: 384-421


European Union Simulations "Climate Change and Security Implications", "EU Digital Policy and Artificial Intelligence", and "EU-US Trade and Technology" (co-authored with Noam Ebner, Giulia Tercovich, and Andreas Kotelis), (Washington, D.C.: European Union Delegation in the United States, 2024),

European Council Simulation “Global Europe? Deciding Canada’s Membership Application to the European Union, Role-Play Negotiation (co-authored with Noam Ebner and Andreas Kotelis), submitted for the 16th Annual Teaching Case and Simulation Competition, E-PARCC, Syracuse University, Maxwell School’s Program for the Advancement of Research on Conflict and Collaboration (PARCC)

European Council Simulation “European Agenda on Migration” Role-Play Negotiation (co-authored with Noam Ebner, and Andreas Kotelis), (Washington, D.C.: European Union Delegation in the United States, 2017). Available on the European Union website at:

  • Winner of the 11th Annual Teaching Case and Simulation Competition, E-PARCC 2018, Syracuse University, Maxwell School’s Program for the Advancement of Research on Conflict and Collaboration (PARCC)

Council of the European Union Simulation “Negotiation Mandate for a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with Tradeland” Role-Play Negotiation (co-authored with Noam Ebner, and Andreas Kotelis), (Washington, D.C.: European Union Delegation in the United States, 2017). Available on the European Union website at:

Council of the European Union – European Parliament – European Commission Simulation “Anti-Terrorism EU Legislation” Role-Play Negotiation & Mediation (co-authored with Noam Ebner, and Andreas Kotelis), (Washington, D.C.: European Union Delegation in the United States, 2017). Available on the European Union website at:

Note: These three projects above were made possible through funding from the European Union through Service Tender (reference No. PPD-EEAS-023-2016).

Sharon R. Steadman – Sociology/Anthropology Department 

Professor of Anthropology

Research Areas

My main research area is anthropological and archaeological investigations in the Middle East in general and in Turkey particularly. Research and publication topics include ancient and modern architecture, archaeological approaches to religion, and world systems theory.

Selected Publications

Take Me To Your Leader: The Power of Place in Prehistoric Anatolian Settlements. Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 363 (2011): 1-24.

Handbook of Anatolian Studies (8,000-332 BCE), edited volume (with Gregory McMahon) University Press, 2011.

“Agency, Architecture, and Archaeology in Prehistoric Central Anatolia.” In Agency and Identity in the Ancient Near East, pp. 27-45, ed. by Sharon R. Steadman and Jennifer C. Ross, Equinox Publishers, London. 2010.

“Excavations on the North Central Plateau: The Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Age Occupation at Çadir Höyük.” Anatolian Studies 58 (2008): 47-86. (with J. C. Ross, G. McMahon, and R. L. Gorny)

“Reliquaries on the Landscape: Mounds as Matrices of Human Cognition.” In Archaeologies of the Middle East: Critical Perspectives , pp. 286-307, ed. by S. Pollock and R. Bernbeck, Blackwell Publishers, Oxford, 2005.

Girish Bhat – History Department 

Associate Professor of Russian and European History

Research Areas

The majority of my career has been dedicated to study of the “rule of law” in 19th century Russian legal tradition. In recent years I have launched a wider investigation into Russian legal culture in global context.

Selected Publications

“Recovering the Historical Rechtsstaat.” Review of Central and East European Law Vol. 32, no. 1 (2007): 65-97.

“The Particulars of Guilt: Final Questions for the Jury Under the 1864 Judicial Reform.” Slavic Studies 38 (Fall 2004): 251-72.

“Uncertain Traditionalism and Jury Trial Oaths in the Early Reform Era.” Russian History 25 (Fall 1998): 271-300.

“The Moralization of Guilt in Late Imperial Russian Trial by Jury: The Early Reform Era.” Law and History Review 15.1(Spring 1997): 77-113.

“Late Imperial Russian Trial By Jury as Consensual Justice,” in Reforming Justice in Russia, 1984-1991: Power, Culture, and the Limits of Legal Order, Peter H. Solomon (ed.), (Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe, 1997): 61-81.

Gigi Peterson – History Department 

Assistant Professor of U.S. and Latin American History

Research Areas

My primary research interests center on transnational dimensions of labor and civil rights histories, focusing on the Americas and Pacific Rim. Past and current projects explore twentieth-century activism and state responses in Mexico, the U.S., and the Philippines. Additional research addresses teaching issues, from social studies curricula to academic integrity.

Selected Publications

“Recobrando/Recovering ‘The Struggle Against Racial Discrimination’: The Journey of Pablo O’Higgins’s Mural for the Ship Scalers Union of Seattle. Labor: Studies in Working Class History of the Americas, Winter 2012.

“Do the Write Thing: Reflections on Academic Integrity.” Perspectives on History (December 2008).

“‘A Dangerous Demagogue’: Containing the Influence of the Mexican Labor-Left and its U.S. Allies.” In William Issel, Robert Cherny, and Kiernan Taylor, eds. American Labor and the Cold War: Grassroots Politics and Postwar Political Culture. Rutgers University Press, 2004.

Review of James Green, We Cannot Remain Silent: Opposition to the Brazilian Military Dictatorship in the United States (Duke Univ. Press, 2010), History: Reviews of New Books 39:4 (September 2011) 128-129.

Review of Luis Alvarez, The Power of the Zoot: Youth Culture and Resistance During World War II, (University of California Press, 2008). Journal of World History, (September 2010) 551-554.

Danielle Candelora – History Department 

Assistant Professor of History

Scott Moranda - History Department

Professor of History

Jaroslava Prihodova - History Department

Professor of History

Bekeh Ukelina - History Department 

Associate Professor of History

Jeremy Jimenez - Foundations and Social Advocacy

Associate Professor of Foundations and Social Advocacy

Ken Cohen - Recreation, Parks, and Leisure Studies Department 

Associate Professor of Recreation, Parks, and Leisure Studies