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President's message to students on optional departure plan

President's message to students on optional departure plan


Dear Cortland students,

I want to thank the entire SUNY Cortland community — especially you, our students — for continued patience during this extended pause of all in-person classes and activities on campus. Given the uncertainty of the remaining academic calendar due to the pause, our students conducting their coursework remotely and with the upcoming Thanksgiving break, we are modifying our calendar schedule.

We will be implementing an early and staggered departure plan for students who test negative for COVID-19, especially for those students who have all-online courses for the remainder of the semester. SUNY Cortland and the Cortland County Health Department developed this optional plan that may allow you to return home early.

Please be clear that returning home early is not mandatory but rather an option you may request. Students who choose to stay may do so. And also know that our campus is not closing. Important services will remain open through the remainder of the semester.

Detailed instructions on testing procedures and the move-out process are available online.

Campus residents will soon receive information about the orderly process for returning home earlier than Friday, Nov. 20, our originally scheduled date for the end of on-campus instruction. You should work with your professors on how the remainder of individual courses will be administered.

I know you and your families will have many questions. Please know that the university will provide more details, including a checklist for departing campus. I also will send important updates through email.

This latest development is meant to offer an organized way for you to return home earlier, while ensuring the safety both of the Cortland community and your hometown. I want you to have a safe Thanksgiving with your families.

I am forever grateful for all of your efforts. Please continue to stay diligent and safe.

All the best,

Erik J. Bitterbaum
