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Access to campus limited to students and employees

Access to campus limited to students and employees


As part of SUNY Cortland’s effort to reduce density on campus and lower the threat of COVID-19, university policy prohibits nearly all guests and dramatically limits campus visitors during the Fall 2020 semester.  

All faculty, staff, students and Cortland Auxiliary employees should be aware of the following: 

  • Any individual without a Cortland ID number – essentially all who are not university employees or students – will not be allowed on campus, except under very limited circumstances.  
  • Neither college employees nor students are allowed to host a guest.  
  • For the fall 2020 semester, no outside speakers, alumni, or guests of on-campus residents (including parents of the residents) will be allowed in campus buildings.  There will be no on-campus performances, public events, or public access to facilities such as the Dowd Gallery or the planetarium.  
  • The Admissions Office will oversee any visits of prospective students, including athletic recruits, their families and other enrollment-related visitors. 
  • Due to limited capacity, no visitors will be allowed in the Student Life Center, Park Center, Stadium Complex, or other athletic or outdoor venues.  
  • Members of the surrounding community will continue to have access to city roads and walkways through campus, but are not allowed inside campus buildings or facilities.  
  • Only contractors and vendors providing services or functions essential to university operations will be allowed on campus. They should work with an employee of the office responsible for that service or function (such as Facilities Management or Cortland Auxiliary) to make sure they follow all applicable protocols for entering campus, including a screening for COVID-19 risk factors similar to the daily screen done by students and employees. 

We appreciate the continued cooperation of all members of the university community. We realize that the vast majority of people are trying their best to act in a way that prevents the spread of COVID-19 and improves SUNY Cortland’s chances of finishing the semester with an on-campus experience. We hope this guidance helps in that effort.