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President offers advice on how to stay active

President offers advice on how to stay active


The following message was sent on behalf of President Erik J. Bitterbaum:

Dear Cortland students:

First, I would like to thank many of you who completed the Fall 2020 Student Survey. Your feedback makes the university aware of your needs and allows us to better respond during this challenging semester.

One topic that was mentioned frequently was your lack of access to recreation activities.

As you know, we are so fortunate to have the Student Life Center here on campus. Sadly, it must remain closed at the moment to prevent further spread of COVID-19 in our community.

However, you do still have options when it comes to staying active during study-in-place. Please use any opportunities you have to get outside and enjoy our campus.

  • The City of Cortland's Municipal Water Works, located on Broadway Avenue, is another extraordinary spot close to campus where you can enjoy some time outdoors. I guarantee you that the deer and the ducks would love to see you.
  • We also are leading many activities online. YouTuber Tyler Oakley is joining us for a virtual pumpkin painting event on Wednesday at 8 p.m. You can register and learn more about this event - and many others like it - through the campus calendar.

More information about events open to SUNY Cortland students will be shared through Instagram.

I am proud of SUNY Cortland's reputation as one of New York's healthiest and most athletic campuses. I urge you to continue to find creative ways to continue that tradition as we study in place for the safety of our community.

Thank you all for being Red Dragon Strong.

All the best,

Erik J. Bitterbaum
